[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Data Structure & Algorithm using C++ Zero To Mastery 2021
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23.6 GB
2022-8-16 10:36
2024-12-1 06:04
1. Installing Code Blocks/1. Installing Code Blocks - 1.mp4 31.82 MB
1. Installing Code Blocks/2. Installing Code Blocks - 2.mp4 65.9 MB
10. Binary Search Algorithm/1. Linear Search Algorithm ( Explain + Code ).mp4 48.87 MB
10. Binary Search Algorithm/2. Problem with Linear Search.mp4 5.42 MB
10. Binary Search Algorithm/3. Binary Search Algorithm (Explain).mp4 102.42 MB
10. Binary Search Algorithm/4. Binary Search Algorithm (Code).mp4 56.39 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/1. Introduction to recursion.mp4 212.37 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/10. Geometric Sum.mp4 64.34 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/2. Recursion and PMI.mp4 56.84 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/3. Fibonacci Number.mp4 50.81 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/4. Power.mp4 43.22 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/5. Print Numbers.mp4 73.51 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/6. Numbers of Digits.mp4 47.01 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/7. Sum of Digits.mp4 33.69 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/8. Multiplication.mp4 32.5 MB
11. Recursion - 1 Basics/9. Count Zeroes.mp4 29.32 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/1. Check if Array is sorted.mp4 109.74 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/10. Check Palindrome.mp4 69.95 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/2. Sum of Array.mp4 77.13 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/3. Check if element is present.mp4 246.1 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/4. First Index of element.mp4 33.86 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/5. Last Index of element.mp4 115.06 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/6. Print All position of element.mp4 17.14 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/7. Count Occurrence of element- First Approach.mp4 16.68 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/8. Count Occurrence of element- Second Approach.mp4 24.55 MB
12. Recursion - 2 Intermediate/9. Store All Position of element.mp4 84.14 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/1. Print and Reverse Print Recursively.mp4 35.56 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/10. Staircase Problem.mp4 38.45 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/11. Tower of Hanoi.mp4 31.4 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/12. Print Steps in Tower of Hanoi.mp4 95.24 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/2. Length Recursively.mp4 17.05 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/3. Replace Character Recursively.mp4 41.69 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/4. Remove Character Recursively.mp4 37.86 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/5. Remove Consecutive Duplicates.mp4 36.62 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/6. Print All Subsequences of String.mp4 81.04 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/7. Store All Subsequences of String.mp4 20.58 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/8. Convert String to Integer.mp4 44.31 MB
13. Recursion - 3 Advanced/9. Print All Permutation of String.mp4 41.12 MB
14. Merge Sort & Quick Sort/1. Merge Sort Introduction.mp4 76.47 MB
14. Merge Sort & Quick Sort/2. Merge Sort Solution.mp4 74.16 MB
14. Merge Sort & Quick Sort/3. Quick Sort Introduction.mp4 52.95 MB
14. Merge Sort & Quick Sort/4. Quick Sort Solution.mp4 48.52 MB
14. Merge Sort & Quick Sort/5. Quick Sort Testing.mp4 11.96 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/1. Experimental Analysis.mp4 119.54 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/10. Fibonacci Space Complexity.mp4 14.59 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/2. Theoretical Analysis.mp4 79.52 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/3. Linear Search Time Complexity.mp4 8.74 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/4. Selection Sort Time Complexity.mp4 14.29 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/5. Theoretical Analysis Recursive Algorithm.mp4 49.07 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/6. Merge Sort Time Complexity.mp4 28.85 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/7. Fibonacci Time Complexity.mp4 68.98 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/8. Space Complexity Analysis.mp4 97.23 MB
15. Time Space Complexity Analysis/9. Merge Sort Space Complexity.mp4 19.68 MB
16. Advanced Binary Search/1. Find First & Last Occurence.mp4 139.95 MB
16. Advanced Binary Search/2. Search in Rotated Sorted Array.mp4 170.67 MB
17. Algorithm Moore Voting Majority Element/1. Majority Element.mp4 285.66 MB
18. What are Data Structures/1. Introduction.mp4 7.67 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/1. What is Linked List.mp4 57.28 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/10. Solution with Memory Leak Delete ith Node.mp4 99.25 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/11. Solution without Memory Leak Delete ith Node.mp4 52.68 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/2. Print a Linked List.mp4 242.75 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/3. Taking Input - 1.mp4 118.48 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/4. Taking Input - 2.mp4 47.61 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/5. Length.mp4 52.16 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/6. Print ith Node.mp4 118.84 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/7. Question Insert Node at ith position.mp4 29.93 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/8. Solution Insert Node at ith position.mp4 126.86 MB
19. DS Linked List - 1/9. Question Delete ith Node.mp4 18.32 MB
2. DS Arrays/1. Arrays Introduction.mp4 354.91 MB
2. DS Arrays/2. Problem Sum of Array Elements.mp4 18.23 MB
2. DS Arrays/3. Problem Largest Element in Array.mp4 39.85 MB
2. DS Arrays/4. Problem Swap 2 numbers.mp4 27.16 MB
2. DS Arrays/5. Problem Print Array in Reverse Order.mp4 17.09 MB
2. DS Arrays/6. Problem Reverse Array.mp4 111.83 MB
2. DS Arrays/7. Segmentation Fault in Array.mp4 9.03 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/1. Length - recursive.mp4 31.37 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/10. Doubly Linked List.mp4 38.42 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/11. Circular Singly Linked List.mp4 30.77 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/12. Circular Doubly Linked List.mp4 48.19 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/2. Search in Linked List.mp4 36.3 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/3. Search in Linked List - Recursive.mp4 32.01 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/4. Middle Node of List - Slow and Fast Pointer Approach.mp4 91.39 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/5. Reverse a Linked List.mp4 37.79 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/6. Remove nth Node from end of list.mp4 186.69 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/7. Merge 2 sorted List.mp4 90.93 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/8. Merge 2 sorted List (Recursive).mp4 25.75 MB
20. DS Linked List - 2/9. Merge Sort on Linked List.mp4 176.28 MB
21. DS Stacks/1. Stack Introduction.mp4 38.11 MB
21. DS Stacks/10. Balanced Parenthesis.mp4 202.15 MB
21. DS Stacks/11. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation.mp4 272.99 MB
21. DS Stacks/12. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates.mp4 303.3 MB
21. DS Stacks/2. Stack Implementation using Array Part-1.mp4 72.45 MB
21. DS Stacks/3. Stack Implementation using Array Part-2.mp4 147.94 MB
21. DS Stacks/4. Dynamic Stack.mp4 52.74 MB
21. DS Stacks/5. Templates.mp4 150.83 MB
21. DS Stacks/6. Stack using Templates.mp4 44.69 MB
21. DS Stacks/7. Stack using LL Introduction.mp4 104.02 MB
21. DS Stacks/8. Stack using LL Solution.mp4 55.95 MB
21. DS Stacks/9. Inbuilt Stack.mp4 58.18 MB
22. DS Queues/1. Queue Introduction.mp4 22.85 MB
22. DS Queues/2. Queue using Array Introduction.mp4 109.1 MB
22. DS Queues/3. Queue using Array Code.mp4 172.21 MB
22. DS Queues/4. Dynamic Queue.mp4 79.09 MB
22. DS Queues/5. Queue using LL Introduction.mp4 50.83 MB
22. DS Queues/6. Queue using LL Solution.mp4 61.78 MB
22. DS Queues/7. Inbuilt Queue.mp4 54.61 MB
22. DS Queues/8. Reverse a queue.mp4 75.34 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/1. Trees Introduction.mp4 36.97 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/10. Height of a Tree.mp4 45.82 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/11. Print All Nodes at Level K.mp4 46.12 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/12. Count Leaf Nodes.mp4 131.51 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/13. PreOrder Traversal.mp4 88.1 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/14. PostOrder Traversal.mp4 31.61 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/15. Delete Tree.mp4 45.29 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/16. Destructor.mp4 34.23 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/2. Vectors.mp4 175.08 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/3. TreeNode Class.mp4 65.25 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/4. Print Recursive.mp4 203.68 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/5. Take Input Recursive.mp4 201.01 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/6. Take Input Level Wise.mp4 161.83 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/7. Level Order Print Introduction.mp4 13.41 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/8. Level Order Print Solution.mp4 66.59 MB
23. DS Generic Trees/9. Count Nodes.mp4 42.85 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/1. Binary Tree Introduction.mp4 74.05 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/10. Max Depth of Binary Tree.mp4 70.73 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/11. Symmetric Binary Tree.mp4 70.19 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/12. Find Node.mp4 28.69 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/13. Min Value.mp4 83 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/14. Max Value.mp4 39.68 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/15. Count Leaf Nodes.mp4 58.55 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/16. Construct Tree from PreOrder and Inorder Traversal Introduction.mp4 86.4 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/17. Construct Tree from PreOrder and Inorder Traversal Solution.mp4 223.43 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/18. Construct Tree from PostOrder and Inorder Traversal Introduction.mp4 76.57 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/19. Construct Tree from PostOrder and Inorder Traversal Solution.mp4 104.09 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/2. Print Tree Recursive.mp4 44.79 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/20. Diameter of Binary Tree.mp4 169.19 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/21. Diameter of Binary Tree Better Approach.mp4 100.88 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/22. Root to Node Path.mp4 86.14 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/3. Take Input Recursive.mp4 69.52 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/4. Take Input Level Wise.mp4 120.95 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/5. Level Order Traversal.mp4 276.51 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/6. Count Nodes.mp4 21.72 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/7. InOrder Traversal.mp4 69.77 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/8. PreOrder Traversal.mp4 50.39 MB
24. DS Binary Tree/9. PostOrder Traversal.mp4 38.53 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/1. Introduction.mp4 120.91 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/10. BST Class Insert Implementation.mp4 64 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/11. BST Class - How to Delete.mp4 109.37 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/12. BST Class Delete Implementation.mp4 144.82 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/13. Convert BST to Sorted Singly List Introduction.mp4 37.08 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/14. Convert BST to Sorted Singly List Solution.mp4 322.06 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/15. Types of Balanced BST.mp4 61.51 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/2. Search in BST.mp4 60.17 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/3. Find Min in BST.mp4 14.55 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/4. Find Max in BST.mp4 13.18 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/5. Range Sum in BST.mp4 44.24 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/6. Validate BST.mp4 231.83 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/7. Convert Sorted Array to BST.mp4 33.44 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/8. BST Class Implementation.mp4 113.16 MB
25. DS Binary Search Tree (BST)/9. BST Class - How to Insert.mp4 20.41 MB
26. DS HashMap/1. Introduction to HashMap.mp4 81.27 MB
26. DS HashMap/10. Rehashing.mp4 274.95 MB
26. DS HashMap/2. Inbuilt Hashmap.mp4 66.15 MB
26. DS HashMap/3. Remove Duplicates.mp4 63.58 MB
26. DS HashMap/4. Iterators.mp4 337.47 MB
26. DS HashMap/5. Bucket Array & Hash Function.mp4 56.32 MB
26. DS HashMap/6. Collision Handling.mp4 71.53 MB
26. DS HashMap/7. HashMap Implementation - Insert.mp4 464.02 MB
26. DS HashMap/8. HashMap Implementation - Delete & Search.mp4 106.52 MB
26. DS HashMap/9. Time Complexity & Load Factor.mp4 108.07 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/1. Introduction to Priority Queue.mp4 64.17 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/10. Remove Min Solution & Complexity Analysis.mp4 239.74 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/11. Inplace Heap Sort.mp4 111.85 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/12. Inplace Heap Sort Solution.mp4 202.62 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/13. Inbuilt Priority Queue.mp4 46.54 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/14. K Sorted Array.mp4 374.09 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/15. K Smallest Element.mp4 159.64 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/16. Inbuilt Min Priority Queue.mp4 149.01 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/2. Ways to implement Priority Queue.mp4 44.69 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/3. Heaps Introduction.mp4 39.86 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/4. CBT and its implementation.mp4 180.11 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/5. Insert & Delete in Heaps.mp4 170.41 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/6. Example Solution & Max Heap.mp4 27.86 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/7. Implementation of Priority Queue - Part 1.mp4 30.07 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/8. Implementation-Insert.mp4 52.42 MB
27. DS Priority Queue/9. Remove Min Explanation.mp4 20.94 MB
28. Dynamic Programming Basic/1. Introduction & Fibonaci.mp4 117.05 MB
28. Dynamic Programming Basic/2. Hint Minimum Steps to 1.mp4 23.25 MB
28. Dynamic Programming Basic/3. Minimum Steps to 1 Brute Force Method.mp4 64.94 MB
28. Dynamic Programming Basic/4. Minimum Steps to 1 Memorization Method.mp4 72.97 MB
28. Dynamic Programming Basic/5. Minimum Steps to 1 Bottom Up Method.mp4 165.08 MB
28. Dynamic Programming Basic/6. Climbing Stairs Recursive.mp4 28.18 MB
28. Dynamic Programming Basic/7. Climbing Stairs DP.mp4 24.45 MB
28. Dynamic Programming Basic/8. Climbing Stairs DP Generalised.mp4 57.28 MB
29. Dynamic Programming Advanced/1. Longest Common Subsequence Recursive.mp4 66.09 MB
29. Dynamic Programming Advanced/2. Longest Common Subsequence DP.mp4 82.07 MB
29. Dynamic Programming Advanced/3. Minimum Distance Recursive.mp4 89.82 MB
29. Dynamic Programming Advanced/4. Minimum Distance DP.mp4 87.18 MB
29. Dynamic Programming Advanced/5. 0-1 Knapsack Recursive.mp4 106.09 MB
29. Dynamic Programming Advanced/6. 0-1 Knapsack DP.mp4 70.78 MB
3. DS Character Array/1. Introduction.mp4 48.09 MB
3. DS Character Array/2. Length of String.mp4 51.37 MB
3. DS Character Array/3. cin.getline().mp4 149.94 MB
3. DS Character Array/4. Reverse string.mp4 112.06 MB
3. DS Character Array/5. Inbuilt functions.mp4 153.36 MB
3. DS Character Array/6. Print all prefixes.mp4 75.49 MB
30. DS Graph/1. Graph Introduction.mp4 17.03 MB
30. DS Graph/2. Graph Terminology.mp4 48.84 MB
30. DS Graph/3. Graph Implementation.mp4 94.85 MB
30. DS Graph/4. Adjacency Matrix.mp4 34.79 MB
31. Graph Traversal Algo- BFS and DFS/1. DFS Traversal.mp4 114.79 MB
31. Graph Traversal Algo- BFS and DFS/2. BFS Traversal Introduction.mp4 19.01 MB
31. Graph Traversal Algo- BFS and DFS/3. BFS Traversal Solution.mp4 61.09 MB
31. Graph Traversal Algo- BFS and DFS/4. DFS for Disconnected Graph.mp4 101.65 MB
31. Graph Traversal Algo- BFS and DFS/5. BFS for Disconnected Graph.mp4 36.86 MB
31. Graph Traversal Algo- BFS and DFS/6. No of Connected Component.mp4 10.51 MB
31. Graph Traversal Algo- BFS and DFS/7. DFS to find No of Connected component.mp4 29.35 MB
31. Graph Traversal Algo- BFS and DFS/8. BFS to find No of Connected component.mp4 11.64 MB
32. Weighted and Directed Graph/1. Weighted and Directed Graph.mp4 28.28 MB
33. Spanning Tree/1. Introduction.mp4 39.98 MB
33. Spanning Tree/2. Minimum Spanning Tree.mp4 26.07 MB
34. Algo Kruskal/1. Introduction.mp4 130.56 MB
34. Algo Kruskal/2. Disjoint Set for Cycle Detection.mp4 281.3 MB
34. Algo Kruskal/3. Kruskal Code.mp4 19.24 MB
35. Algo Prims/1. Introduction + Code.mp4 118.83 MB
35. Algo Prims/2. Commutable Islands explain.mp4 31.5 MB
35. Algo Prims/3. Commutable Islands code.mp4 79.84 MB
36. Algo Dijikstra/1. Introduction.mp4 78.42 MB
36. Algo Dijikstra/2. Dijikstra Code.mp4 16.68 MB
36. Algo Dijikstra/3. Limitation of Dijikstra.mp4 15.24 MB
37. Algo Topological Sort/1. Introduction.mp4 69.35 MB
37. Algo Topological Sort/2. Topological Sort Code.mp4 23.02 MB
38. DS Trie/1. Introduction.mp4 120.84 MB
38. DS Trie/2. Insert in Trie.mp4 127.63 MB
38. DS Trie/3. Search in Trie.mp4 76.62 MB
39. Project Design LRU Cache/1. LRU Cache explain.mp4 72.72 MB
39. Project Design LRU Cache/2. LRU Cache code.mp4 51.17 MB
4. DS Matrix or 2D Array/1. Introduction to 2D Arrays.mp4 180.46 MB
4. DS Matrix or 2D Array/2. Initialise and pass 2D Arrays to function.mp4 83.35 MB
4. DS Matrix or 2D Array/3. How 2D Arrays are stored in Memory.mp4 176.79 MB
5. DS String/1. String.mp4 433.96 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/1. Introduction to OOPS.mp4 29.2 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/10. Fraction Class Continuation.mp4 70.16 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/11. Complex Number Class.mp4 75 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/2. Creating objects.mp4 210.95 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/3. Getters and Setters.mp4 81.44 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/4. Constructors.mp4 90.48 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/5. Constructor and this keyword.mp4 159.25 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/6. Copy Constructor.mp4 48.91 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/7. Copy Assignment Operator & Destructor.mp4 73.82 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/8. Play with Constructor.mp4 51.93 MB
6. OOPS - Basics/9. Fraction Class.mp4 154.41 MB
7. OOPS-Advanced/1. Shallow and Deep Copy.mp4 82.61 MB
7. OOPS-Advanced/2. Our Own Copy Constructor.mp4 62.75 MB
7. OOPS-Advanced/3. Initialisation List.mp4 80.56 MB
7. OOPS-Advanced/4. Constant Function.mp4 48.13 MB
7. OOPS-Advanced/5. Static Members.mp4 94.26 MB
7. OOPS-Advanced/6. Operator Overloading - 1.mp4 111.83 MB
7. OOPS-Advanced/7. Operator Overloading - 2.mp4 414.28 MB
7. OOPS-Advanced/8. Operator Overloading - 3.mp4 112.57 MB
7. OOPS-Advanced/9. Dynamic Array Class.mp4 217.16 MB
8. DS Vectors/1. Vectors.mp4 175.03 MB
8. DS Vectors/2. Spiral Order Matrix.mp4 178.58 MB
9. Basic Sorting Algorithm/1. Selection Sort Algorithm ( Explain + Code ).mp4 451.96 MB
9. Basic Sorting Algorithm/2. Bubble Sort Algorithm ( Explain + Code ).mp4 113.78 MB
9. Basic Sorting Algorithm/3. Optimized Bubble Sort Algorithm (Explain + Code ).mp4 25.91 MB
9. Basic Sorting Algorithm/4. Inbuilt Sort Standard Template Library (STL).mp4 23.93 MB