[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Docker & Kubernetes The Complete Practical Guide
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:bc12c087f18550b88a4d3f08f9c2639afa0914b2&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Docker & Kubernetes The Complete Practical Guide
11.14 GB
2023-12-6 19:55
2025-3-27 06:31
01 - Introduction/001 Course introduction.mp4 38.25 MB
02 - Docker Installation/001 CHAPTER 1 - Installing Docker Desktop on Mac.mp4 50.07 MB
02 - Docker Installation/002 Installing Docker Desktop on Windows.mp4 47.64 MB
02 - Docker Installation/003 Installing Docker Engine on Linux.mp4 128.74 MB
03 - Basic Docker Containers (Ubuntu, Busybox, Alpine)/001 Running hello-world container.mp4 64.68 MB
03 - Basic Docker Containers (Ubuntu, Busybox, Alpine)/002 Running Ubuntu container.mp4 160.5 MB
03 - Basic Docker Containers (Ubuntu, Busybox, Alpine)/003 Running Busybox container.mp4 33.44 MB
03 - Basic Docker Containers (Ubuntu, Busybox, Alpine)/004 Alpine vs Busybox images.mp4 184.84 MB
04 - Port and Volume Mapping in the Docker Containers/001 Running Nginx with exposed port.mp4 108.65 MB
04 - Port and Volume Mapping in the Docker Containers/002 Nginx container with custom content.mp4 185.42 MB
04 - Port and Volume Mapping in the Docker Containers/003 Adding favicon to the project.mp4 57.25 MB
04 - Port and Volume Mapping in the Docker Containers/005 Using path variable in volume mapping.mp4 54.8 MB
05 - Docker Containers Management (Ubuntu, NGINX)/001 Running containers in background.mp4 41.31 MB
05 - Docker Containers Management (Ubuntu, NGINX)/002 Running container with Pseudo TTY.mp4 90.93 MB
05 - Docker Containers Management (Ubuntu, NGINX)/003 Creating multiple Ubuntu containers from the same image.mp4 25.89 MB
05 - Docker Containers Management (Ubuntu, NGINX)/004 Running multiple Nginx servers.mp4 166.28 MB
05 - Docker Containers Management (Ubuntu, NGINX)/005 Cleaning up stopped containers.mp4 66.37 MB
06 - Running Python Applications in Docker/001 Creating Python containers.mp4 20.83 MB
06 - Running Python Applications in Docker/002 Simple Python program.mp4 31.33 MB
06 - Running Python Applications in Docker/003 CHALLENGE Simple Python calendar app.mp4 22.07 MB
06 - Running Python Applications in Docker/004 CHALLENGE SOLUTION Simple Python calendar app.mp4 16.63 MB
07 - Running Node.js Applications in Docker/001 Running Node.js container.mp4 85.49 MB
07 - Running Node.js Applications in Docker/002 Hello world application with Node.mp4 16.04 MB
07 - Running Node.js Applications in Docker/003 Express web server using Node.mp4 108.81 MB
07 - Running Node.js Applications in Docker/004 Add handling of the SIGINT and SIGTERM signals.mp4 26.05 MB
07 - Running Node.js Applications in Docker/005 CHALLENGE Create files handling Node app.mp4 16.64 MB
07 - Running Node.js Applications in Docker/006 CHALLENGE SOLUTION Create files handling Node app.mp4 31.74 MB
07 - Running Node.js Applications in Docker/007 Conclusion - containers can create and modify external files.mp4 11.5 MB
08 - Running MongoDB Containers/001 Pulling Mongo image and creating first Mongo container.mp4 33.91 MB
08 - Running MongoDB Containers/002 Starting additional processes in the running container.mp4 68.31 MB
08 - Running MongoDB Containers/003 What is entrypoint and where is it located.mp4 58.23 MB
08 - Running MongoDB Containers/004 Creating new Mongo database using Mongo shell.mp4 123.4 MB
08 - Running MongoDB Containers/005 Running Mongo container with persistent database.mp4 112.94 MB
09 - Communication between Containers and Environment Variables (MySQL, phpMyAdmin)/001 Starting Wordpress container.mp4 100.1 MB
09 - Communication between Containers and Environment Variables (MySQL, phpMyAdmin)/002 Plan for the next lectures - networks and environment variables.mp4 10.99 MB
09 - Communication between Containers and Environment Variables (MySQL, phpMyAdmin)/003 Default bridge network and communication between containers.mp4 121.4 MB
09 - Communication between Containers and Environment Variables (MySQL, phpMyAdmin)/004 Exploring environment variables.mp4 40.71 MB
09 - Communication between Containers and Environment Variables (MySQL, phpMyAdmin)/005 Starting MySQL container with env variable.mp4 37.59 MB
09 - Communication between Containers and Environment Variables (MySQL, phpMyAdmin)/006 Launching another phpMyAdmin container.mp4 105.9 MB
09 - Communication between Containers and Environment Variables (MySQL, phpMyAdmin)/007 Connecting phpMyAdmin to MySQL container.mp4 139.5 MB
09 - Communication between Containers and Environment Variables (MySQL, phpMyAdmin)/008 Making notes of the commands.mp4 66.49 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/001 Communication using hostnames in the default bridge network.mp4 116.11 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/002 Inspecting default bridge network.mp4 33.14 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/003 Creating new custom bridge network.mp4 15.22 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/004 Creating busybox containers in the custom network.mp4 52.99 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/005 Using custom persistent names for connectivity in the custom network.mp4 92.7 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/006 MySQL and phpMyAdmin in the custom network.mp4 136.09 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/007 CHALLENGE Wordpress with MySQL and phpMyAdmin.mp4 50.05 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/008 CHALLENGE SOLUTION Wordpress with MySQL and phpMyAdmin - PART 1.mp4 92.55 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/009 CHALLENGE SOLUTION Wordpress with MySQL and phpMyAdmin - PART 2.mp4 106.47 MB
10 - Default and Custom Bridge Networks in Docker (Wordpress, MySQL)/010 Summary for the Wordpress and MySQL setup.mp4 55.93 MB
11 - Additional Containers - Elasticsearch, Redis, Httpd/001 Getting docker image with curl utility.mp4 60.47 MB
11 - Additional Containers - Elasticsearch, Redis, Httpd/002 CHALLENGE Run Elasticsearch and curl containers in the custom network.mp4 12.53 MB
11 - Additional Containers - Elasticsearch, Redis, Httpd/003 CHALLENGE SOLUTION Run Elasticsearch and curl containers in the custom network.mp4 162.8 MB
11 - Additional Containers - Elasticsearch, Redis, Httpd/004 Inserting documents into Elasticsearch index.mp4 126.13 MB
11 - Additional Containers - Elasticsearch, Redis, Httpd/005 Starting Redis container.mp4 43.14 MB
11 - Additional Containers - Elasticsearch, Redis, Httpd/006 CHALLENGE Redis and Redis-commander.mp4 17.86 MB
11 - Additional Containers - Elasticsearch, Redis, Httpd/007 CHALLENGE SOLUTION Redis and Redis-commander.mp4 61.9 MB
11 - Additional Containers - Elasticsearch, Redis, Httpd/008 Launching httpd container.mp4 8.42 MB
12 - CHAPTER 2 - Docker on Practice Summary and Intro to the Docker Fundamentals/001 Docker Fundamentals Practical section summary.mp4 2.72 MB
12 - CHAPTER 2 - Docker on Practice Summary and Intro to the Docker Fundamentals/002 Introduction to the Docker Fundamentals Chapter.mp4 7.75 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/001 Virtual Machines vs Docker Containers.mp4 6.73 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/002 Virtual Machines Architecture.mp4 71.89 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/003 How I use Virtual Machines.mp4 110.18 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/004 My computer just ran out of memory.mp4 7.58 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/005 Docker Containers Architecture.mp4 60.61 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/006 How Docker is running on different Operating Systems.mp4 23.58 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/007 Container Processes and Resources.mp4 26.77 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/008 Docker Components Overview.mp4 9.15 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/009 Docker Client.mp4 68.32 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/010 Docker Server.mp4 18.95 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/011 Docker Host.mp4 97.72 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/012 Docker Image.mp4 11.83 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/013 Docker Container.mp4 49.7 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/014 Docker Repository.mp4 52.55 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/015 Docker Registry.mp4 40.64 MB
13 - What is Docker and Docker Components/016 Docker Components Summary.mp4 12.77 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/001 Docker Commands vs Management Commands.mp4 44.49 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/002 Alternative Commands.mp4 38.9 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/003 Basic Container and Images commands.mp4 70.11 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/004 Cleaning up my Docker setup.mp4 73.21 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/005 Pulling images from the Docker Hub.mp4 33.72 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/006 What is Docker Image.mp4 114.82 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/007 Creating new Container from the Image.mp4 18.22 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/008 What is CMD in the Docker Image.mp4 38.61 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/009 What is Docker Container.mp4 103.32 MB
14 - Introduction to the Images and Containers/010 Summary for the Introduction to the Images and Containers.mp4 18.95 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/001 Why you need to know Linux while stydying Docker.mp4 6.74 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/002 Introduction to the Linux Section.mp4 32.63 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/003 Possible options to use Linux on MacOS and Windows.mp4 7.46 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/004 Creating Linux container using Docker.mp4 14.23 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/005 What is Shell, Terminal and Command.mp4 13.59 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/006 Getting information about Linux computer.mp4 51.8 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/007 How Shell understands that you have entered command.mp4 20.26 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/008 Getting help about commands using man utility.mp4 74.54 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/009 Command Options.mp4 120.29 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/010 Command Arguments.mp4 140.14 MB
15 - CHAPTER 3 - Getting started with Linux/011 Arguments for Options.mp4 72.31 MB
16 - Processes in Linux/001 What are processes.mp4 6.06 MB
16 - Processes in Linux/002 List running processes.mp4 35.17 MB
16 - Processes in Linux/003 Starting additional processes and killing processes.mp4 71.74 MB
16 - Processes in Linux/004 Installing htop package using apt-get.mp4 8.12 MB
16 - Processes in Linux/005 Using htop utility.mp4 38.61 MB
16 - Processes in Linux/006 Summary for Processes Monitoring.mp4 90.66 MB
17 - Data Streams and Piping in Linux/001 Data Streams of the Process.mp4 7.47 MB
17 - Data Streams and Piping in Linux/002 Redirecting STDOUT and STDERR to the file.mp4 18 MB
17 - Data Streams and Piping in Linux/003 Where process data streams send data by default.mp4 13.39 MB
17 - Data Streams and Piping in Linux/004 How to send data to STDIN and redirect STDOUT and STDERR.mp4 90.87 MB
17 - Data Streams and Piping in Linux/005 Piping.mp4 14.27 MB
17 - Data Streams and Piping in Linux/006 Summary for the Data Streams and Piping.mp4 4.44 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/001 Introduction to the Files and Directories management.mp4 4.24 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/002 Linux File System structure and navigation.mp4 84.37 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/003 Listing files and directories.mp4 125.04 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/004 Exploring subdirectories of the root directory.mp4 98.1 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/005 Creating and removing directories and files.mp4 49.11 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/006 Creating new files.mp4 44.37 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/007 Editing files using Vim and Nano editors.mp4 100.95 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/008 Copy and move files and directories.mp4 120.05 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/009 Reading files.mp4 80.3 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/010 Filtering text using grep command.mp4 55.35 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/011 Soft vs Hard links.mp4 96.12 MB
18 - Files and Directories Management in Linux/012 Creating hard and soft links.mp4 116.45 MB
19 - Search operations in Linux/001 Introduction to the Find command.mp4 57.97 MB
19 - Search operations in Linux/002 Searching files using Find command.mp4 39.97 MB
19 - Search operations in Linux/003 Some other examples of the Find command.mp4 73.04 MB
19 - Search operations in Linux/004 Executing additional commands inside of the Find operation.mp4 92.24 MB
19 - Search operations in Linux/005 Xargs command.mp4 65.78 MB
19 - Search operations in Linux/006 Piping results of the Find command to the other command using Xargs.mp4 71.75 MB
20 - Compressing and Sorting in Linux/001 Overview of the tar and gzip utilities.mp4 30.49 MB
20 - Compressing and Sorting in Linux/002 Creating and extracting compressed archive using tar and gzip.mp4 27.69 MB
20 - Compressing and Sorting in Linux/003 Sorting files using ls command.mp4 35.58 MB
20 - Compressing and Sorting in Linux/004 Sorting contents of the files using Sort utility.mp4 91.71 MB
21 - User Management and Permissions in Linux/001 Introduction to the User Management in Linux.mp4 5.7 MB
21 - User Management and Permissions in Linux/002 Creating users using useradd command.mp4 125.09 MB
21 - User Management and Permissions in Linux/003 Creating new user using adduser command.mp4 55.25 MB
21 - User Management and Permissions in Linux/004 Changing ownership of the file.mp4 116.27 MB
21 - User Management and Permissions in Linux/005 Changing permissions.mp4 119.46 MB
22 - Executable Files and Scripting in Linux/001 Creating executable script.mp4 41.5 MB
22 - Executable Files and Scripting in Linux/002 Adding path to the scripts into the PATH variable.mp4 19.45 MB
22 - Executable Files and Scripting in Linux/003 Summary for Users, Permissions and Scripts.mp4 3.73 MB
23 - Networking in Linux/001 Introduction to the Linux Networking Section.mp4 3.39 MB
23 - Networking in Linux/002 Exploring IP address settings.mp4 49.52 MB
23 - Networking in Linux/003 Verifying connectivity with remote servers.mp4 75.56 MB
23 - Networking in Linux/004 Enabling SSH on the Linux server.mp4 88.92 MB
23 - Networking in Linux/005 Connecting to the Linux server remotely via SSH.mp4 129.63 MB
23 - Networking in Linux/006 Using curl and wget utilites.mp4 65.77 MB
24 - Environment Variables in Linux/001 Environment variables.mp4 70 MB
24 - Environment Variables in Linux/002 SOLUTION - Script with environment variables access.mp4 33.05 MB
24 - Environment Variables in Linux/003 Linux Chapter Summary.mp4 2.03 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/001 Introduction to the Dockerfiles and Docker Compose Chapter.mp4 16.59 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/002 Cloning remote Docker repository with project files.mp4 10.65 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/003 Project Overview.mp4 6.38 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/004 Getting Unsplash API Key.mp4 40.78 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/005 OPTIONAL Installing Node.js and NPM.mp4 3.68 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/006 OPTIONAL Installing Python, Pip and Pipenv on MacOS.mp4 79.82 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/007 OPTIONAL Installing Python, Pip and Pipenv on Windows.mp4 49.98 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/008 OPTIONAL Starting frontend app using NPM.mp4 25.83 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/009 OPTIONAL Starting api application using Python.mp4 38.91 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/010 Verifying how Images Gallery project works.mp4 16.47 MB
25 - CHAPTER 4 - Launching Course Project application without Docker/011 Summary for start of the app without Docker.mp4 12.25 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/001 Initializing Git and GitHub for the project.mp4 87.69 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/002 Installing Docker and hello-world using Docker.mp4 23.18 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/003 Creating Dockerfile for the Python API service.mp4 54.5 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/004 Building Docker image for the API service.mp4 47.33 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/005 Running API containers based on the built Docker image.mp4 36.98 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/006 Analyzing API Docker container from inside.mp4 74.01 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/007 Docker image for the API service Summary.mp4 8.79 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/008 Creating Dockerfile for the frontend application.mp4 22.52 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/009 Building Docker image for the frontend app.mp4 25.28 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/010 Running Docker container for the frontend service.mp4 8.58 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/011 Exploring frontend container from inside.mp4 20.27 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/012 Why you need to have node_modules folder and python venv folders locally.mp4 65.12 MB
26 - Building custom images using Dockerfiles/013 Running both frontend and api containers in background.mp4 22.07 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/001 Creating basic docker-compose file.mp4 11.56 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/002 Bringing up both containers using docker-compose.mp4 49.23 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/003 How to operate containers using docker-compose.mp4 10.81 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/004 Creating volumes mapping for the frontend service.mp4 31.5 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/005 Fix volumes sync in the React container.mp4 17.48 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/006 Enabling volumes mapping for the api service.mp4 53.31 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/007 Enabling auto-restart and docker-compose summary for api and frontend.mp4 11.48 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/008 Why do we need mongo and mongo-express services.mp4 17.01 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/009 Mongo and mongo-express official docker images overview.mp4 31.74 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/010 Adding mongo and mongo-express services to the docker-compose file.mp4 15.91 MB
27 - Launching multiple services using Docker Compose/011 Starting all services including mongo and mongo-express using docker-compose.mp4 17.75 MB
28 - Exploring Docker Compose Setup/001 Docker Desktop Overview.mp4 35.33 MB
28 - Exploring Docker Compose Setup/002 Using Mongo shell and mongo-express GUI.mp4 29.27 MB
28 - Exploring Docker Compose Setup/003 MongoDB data is now deleted after docker-compose restart.mp4 20.74 MB
28 - Exploring Docker Compose Setup/004 Configuring persistent data volume for the mongo container.mp4 19.8 MB
28 - Exploring Docker Compose Setup/005 Verifying persistent MongoDB storage using volume.mp4 24.95 MB
28 - Exploring Docker Compose Setup/006 Mongo and mongo-express setup Summary.mp4 22.61 MB
28 - Exploring Docker Compose Setup/007 How docker-compose containers communicate with each other.mp4 10.32 MB
28 - Exploring Docker Compose Setup/008 Exploring networking between Docker containers.mp4 28.97 MB
29 - Kubernetes for Beginners Introduction/001 Kubernetes Introduction.mp4 7.68 MB
30 - Kubernetes Overview/001 What is Kubernetes.mp4 17.87 MB
30 - Kubernetes Overview/002 What is Pod.mp4 5.19 MB
30 - Kubernetes Overview/003 Kubernetes Cluster and Nodes.mp4 7.42 MB
30 - Kubernetes Overview/004 Kubernetes Services.mp4 11.97 MB
30 - Kubernetes Overview/005 What is kubectl.mp4 17.89 MB
31 - Minikube Installation/001 Software required for this course.mp4 19.37 MB
31 - Minikube Installation/002 Installing kubectl.mp4 49.16 MB
31 - Minikube Installation/003 Installing Minikube.mp4 54.95 MB
32 - Kubernetes Cluster/001 Creating Kubernetes cluster using Minikube.mp4 19.32 MB
32 - Kubernetes Cluster/002 Exploring the Kubernetes node.mp4 79.06 MB
33 - Kubernetes Pod Creation/001 Creating just single Pod.mp4 76.87 MB
33 - Kubernetes Pod Creation/002 Exploring Kubernetes Pod.mp4 18.68 MB
33 - Kubernetes Pod Creation/003 Creating alias for the kubectl command.mp4 9.41 MB
34 - Kubernetes Deployment Creation/001 Creating and exploring Deployment.mp4 32.48 MB
34 - Kubernetes Deployment Creation/002 Scaling Deployment.mp4 8.26 MB
34 - Kubernetes Deployment Creation/003 Connecting to one of the Pods using its IP address.mp4 9.24 MB
35 - Kubernetes Service Creation/001 What is Service.mp4 18.57 MB
35 - Kubernetes Service Creation/002 Creating and exploring ClusterIP Service.mp4 15.06 MB
35 - Kubernetes Service Creation/003 Connecting to the Deployment using ClusterIP Service.mp4 11.79 MB
36 - Kubernetes Deployment and Service Deletion/001 Deleting Deployment and Service.mp4 3.92 MB
37 - Running Node.js Application using K8S/001 Creating Node web application.mp4 124.09 MB
37 - Running Node.js Application using K8S/002 Dockerizing Node application.mp4 42.86 MB
37 - Running Node.js Application using K8S/003 Pushing custom image to the Docker Hub.mp4 6.94 MB
37 - Running Node.js Application using K8S/004 Creating deployment based on the custom Docker image.mp4 47.21 MB
37 - Running Node.js Application using K8S/005 Scaling custom image deployment.mp4 12.89 MB
37 - Running Node.js Application using K8S/006 Creating NodePort Service.mp4 70.66 MB
37 - Running Node.js Application using K8S/007 Creating LoadBalancer Service.mp4 11.12 MB
38 - Rolling Updates and Pods Recovery/001 Rolling update of the deployment.mp4 40.47 MB
38 - Rolling Updates and Pods Recovery/002 What happens when one of the pods is deleted.mp4 4.05 MB
39 - Kubernetes Dashboard/001 Kubernetes Dashboard.mp4 39.97 MB
40 - Kubernetes YAML Specification Files/001 Creating YAML deployment specification file.mp4 24.56 MB
40 - Kubernetes YAML Specification Files/002 How to use Kubernetes documentation.mp4 32.64 MB
40 - Kubernetes YAML Specification Files/003 Applying YAML deployment file.mp4 18.6 MB
40 - Kubernetes YAML Specification Files/004 Creating YAML service specification file.mp4 18.75 MB
41 - Kubernetes Multiple Deployments Creation/001 Plan for the creation of the two deployments.mp4 30.02 MB
41 - Kubernetes Multiple Deployments Creation/002 Creating another web app with two endpoints.mp4 15.83 MB
41 - Kubernetes Multiple Deployments Creation/003 Building custom Docker image for the second web app.mp4 7.98 MB
41 - Kubernetes Multiple Deployments Creation/004 Creating YAML specification for the second web app.mp4 22.59 MB
41 - Kubernetes Multiple Deployments Creation/005 Creating YAML specification for the NGINX app.mp4 16.02 MB
41 - Kubernetes Multiple Deployments Creation/006 Applying specifications for both apps.mp4 7.77 MB
42 - Interaction between Deployments/001 Verifying connectivity between different deployments.mp4 36.81 MB
42 - Interaction between Deployments/002 Resolving Service name to IP address.mp4 21.29 MB
42 - Interaction between Deployments/003 Deleting both applications.mp4 3.78 MB
43 - Kubernetes CRI-O Container Runtime/001 Changing Container Runtime from Docker to CRI-O.mp4 61.27 MB
43 - Kubernetes CRI-O Container Runtime/002 Deploying apps using CRI-O container runtime.mp4 5.26 MB
43 - Kubernetes CRI-O Container Runtime/003 Verifying connectivity between deployments.mp4 16.75 MB
44 - Kubernetes Summary/001 Kubernetes Summary.mp4 3.67 MB
45 - Docker and Kubernetes Course Summary/001 Docker Complete Guide Summary.mp4 5.25 MB