[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy -The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b3440eca6a04f735182aaa692de486a56a3354af&dn=[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy -The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course
7.8 GB
2019-9-21 22:46
2024-12-20 00:03
1. Introduction and Resources/1. Introduction.mp4 13.76 MB
1. Introduction and Resources/2. Course guidelines.mp4 37.77 MB
10. StorageFiles/1. Exceptions Try-Catch.mp4 10.96 MB
10. StorageFiles/2. File Write.mp4 13.44 MB
10. StorageFiles/3. File Read.mp4 12.66 MB
11. Multi Threading/1. Multi Threading Concept.mp4 3.53 MB
11. Multi Threading/2. Multi Threading example.mp4 24.91 MB
12. Android Startup/1. Install Android Studio.mp4 82.01 MB
12. Android Startup/2. Build Your First Android App.mp4 234.51 MB
13. Find my age App/1. Find my age Preview.mp4 798.18 KB
13. Find my age App/2. Layout design with constraint layout.mp4 111.06 MB
13. Find my age App/3. Implement App code.mp4 114.14 MB
13. Find my age App/4. Debug and Find Errors.mp4 51.92 MB
14. Complete Tic Tac toy game/1. Tic Tac Toy overview.mp4 891.39 KB
14. Complete Tic Tac toy game/2. Layout desgin with TableLayout.mp4 178.77 MB
14. Complete Tic Tac toy game/3. Buttons call event.mp4 81.23 MB
14. Complete Tic Tac toy game/4. Find winner.mp4 127.55 MB
14. Complete Tic Tac toy game/5. Play with device.mp4 87.7 MB
14. Complete Tic Tac toy game/6. Multi Level Game.mp4 72.38 MB
15. Calculator app/1. calculator preview.mp4 1.17 MB
15. Calculator app/2. layout design.mp4 26.74 MB
15. Calculator app/3. Add colors to app.mp4 25.46 MB
15. Calculator app/4. fix Design issue.mp4 19.49 MB
15. Calculator app/5. Number Click..mp4 23.19 MB
15. Calculator app/6. Add math operations.mp4 19.95 MB
15. Calculator app/7. margin buttons.mp4 7.7 MB
15. Calculator app/8. Percent and Clean.mp4 7.55 MB
15. Calculator app/9. Supporting Multiple Screens.mp4 28.95 MB
16. Pockemon game in Android/1. Pockemon game overview.mp4 1.88 MB
16. Pockemon game in Android/2. Setting the project and use Google Map API.mp4 18.06 MB
16. Pockemon game in Android/3. Add marker with image on Map.mp4 11.16 MB
16. Pockemon game in Android/4. Request on run time permission.mp4 21.16 MB
16. Pockemon game in Android/5. Show player location on the map.mp4 24.18 MB
16. Pockemon game in Android/6. Place Pockemons on the map.mp4 34.66 MB
16. Pockemon game in Android/7. Catch Pockemon.mp4 15.61 MB
17. Zoo App/1. Zoo App preview.mp4 1015.38 KB
17. Zoo App/2. ListView layout design.mp4 38.39 MB
17. Zoo App/3. Load listView with Data.mp4 37.17 MB
17. Zoo App/4. Load different views in ListView.mp4 10.56 MB
17. Zoo App/5. ListView events.mp4 23.71 MB
17. Zoo App/6. Add or Remove item to listView.mp4 14.65 MB
17. Zoo App/7. Support Different image size.mp4 16.86 MB
18. Restaurant menu/1. Restaurant menu preview.mp4 1 MB
18. Restaurant menu/2. Design GridView Layout.mp4 29.81 MB
18. Restaurant menu/3. Load gridView with list of foods.mp4 40.59 MB
18. Restaurant menu/4. Show Food details.mp4 18.61 MB
19. Web services Find City Sunrise time App/1. Sunrise App preview.mp4 1.65 MB
19. Web services Find City Sunrise time App/2. HTTP calls.mp4 1.99 MB
19. Web services Find City Sunrise time App/3. Json and XML.mp4 14.02 MB
19. Web services Find City Sunrise time App/4. City Sunrise App UI layout design.mp4 17.52 MB
19. Web services Find City Sunrise time App/5. City Sunrise App HTTP calls and JSON read.mp4 45.76 MB
19. Web services Find City Sunrise time App/6. Add nice Shape and rectangle for layout.mp4 35.67 MB
2. Setup the environment/1. Install Java JDK.mp4 7.44 MB
2. Setup the environment/2. Install IntelliJ IDEA.mp4 5 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/1. My notes app overview.mp4 3.15 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/10. update notes in Sqlite database.mp4 33.42 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/11. Support different languages and change app icon.mp4 20.83 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/12. The Activity Lifecycle.mp4 13.17 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/2. Design notes ListView.mp4 37.4 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/3. List dummy notes use ListView.mp4 34.55 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/4. Design Add notes layout.mp4 17.07 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/5. use Menu bar and Intent.mp4 41.24 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/6. Styles.mp4 20.78 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/7. Add notes to Sqlite database.mp4 43.56 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/8. list notes from Sqlite database.mp4 31.93 MB
20. Sqlite database My Notes App/9. delete notes from Sqlite database.mp4 19.73 MB
21. Android P Updates/1. Implement navigation with the Navigation Architecture Component.mp4 290.73 MB
22. introduction To firebase/1. What is Firebase and Connect to Firebase.mp4 140.1 MB
22. introduction To firebase/2. Firebase Authentication.mp4 267.9 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/1. Online game game overview.mp4 1.62 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/10. Notification to play game.mp4 23.82 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/11. Notification Channels.mp4 56.54 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/2. Connect to firebase and FirebaseAnalytics.mp4 22.71 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/3. Login Page desgin.mp4 10.01 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/4. FirebaseAuth With email and password.mp4 25.1 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/5. Add player info In firebase Database.mp4 21.89 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/6. play Game layout Design.mp4 18.17 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/7. Send Game Play request.mp4 24.26 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/8. Accept game inviation.mp4 25.33 MB
23. Firebase Online Tic tac toy game/9. Play game live.mp4 28.75 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/1. Twitter app overview.mp4 1.87 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/10. Show Ads between feeds.mp4 30.29 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/11. Firebase Cloud Messaging.mp4 25 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/2. Desgin login layout..mp4 24.65 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/3. Load image from Phone.mp4 34.82 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/4. upload images to firebase.mp4 52.8 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/5. Tweets layout design.mp4 36.99 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/6. Add post.mp4 41.93 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/7. Load posts.mp4 29.46 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/8. Show post user info.mp4 11.55 MB
24. Firebase Twitter and Facebook App/9. Show loading now.mp4 16.16 MB
25. Media Player for play online and Local songs App/1. Media Player overview.mp4 1.38 MB
25. Media Player for play online and Local songs App/2. Media player layout desgin.mp4 37.27 MB
25. Media Player for play online and Local songs App/3. List songs.mp4 31.57 MB
25. Media Player for play online and Local songs App/4. Play songs from online URL.mp4 19.19 MB
25. Media Player for play online and Local songs App/5. Play songs from Phone storage.mp4 21.98 MB
26. Complete Alarm app/1. Complete Alarm app overview.mp4 1.85 MB
26. Complete Alarm app/2. Android Studio Updates.mp4 3.07 MB
26. Complete Alarm app/3. Layout desgin.mp4 9.21 MB
26. Complete Alarm app/4. Fragments.mp4 18.22 MB
26. Complete Alarm app/5. Broadcast Receiver and Service concept.mp4 12.96 MB
26. Complete Alarm app/6. Broadcast Receiver and Set alarm time.mp4 27.51 MB
26. Complete Alarm app/7. SharedPreferences and start app with OS.mp4 25.99 MB
26. Complete Alarm app/8. Show Notification.mp4 6.78 MB
27. Sensors Apps/1. Light sensor Run music when light goes to off in room.mp4 21.39 MB
27. Sensors Apps/2. Accelerometer sensor Nimbuzz vibrate when phone is shake.mp4 31.42 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/1. Find my Phone Preview.mp4 4.98 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/10. People Who I Find Dummy Data.mp4 9.93 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/11. People Who I Find Firebase Data.mp4 40.71 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/12. Load user's contacts.mp4 30.21 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/13. Send phone location to the server.mp4 47.34 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/14. Find missing phone location.mp4 36.22 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/15. Services Vs Broadcast receiver Updates.mp4 12.96 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/16. Service Run App in background.mp4 32.04 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/17. Run App with OS.mp4 9.11 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/2. User login with phone number.mp4 36.66 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/3. menus for Contact and main activity.mp4 21.19 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/4. dummy Contact List data.mp4 42.83 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/5. Pick Contacts from phone.mp4 36.03 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/6. Save my trackers in Shared Ref.mp4 61.01 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/7. Firebase signIn Anonymously.mp4 15.38 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/8. Save user info Firebase.mp4 9.18 MB
28. Firebase Find my phone App/9. Save my trackers in Realtime- database.mp4 18.65 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/1. What we Will Build.mp4 3.24 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/10. Disable button.mp4 6.32 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/11. PHP Web service and MYSQL Login.mp4 16.64 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/12. User Login.mp4 23.89 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/13. Save user Data in Phone.mp4 17.58 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/14. PHP Web service and MYSQL Add Post.mp4 10.95 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/15. Desgin Layout for list post.mp4 57.62 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/16. Add tweets.mp4 23.55 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/17. PHP Web service and MYSQL List Post.mp4 145.76 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/18. List posts.mp4 45.42 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/19. One person posts.mp4 21.17 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/2. Build MYSQL Database schema.mp4 6.34 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/20. PHP Web service and MYSQL follow- un follow.mp4 10.41 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/21. PHP Web service and MYSQL Is following.mp4 5.02 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/3. Build MYSQL database.mp4 35.1 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/4. PHP Web service and MYSQL Register.mp4 28.13 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/5. Connect to Firebase adn Add Assets.mp4 6.27 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/6. Design Login and Register Pages.mp4 31.98 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/7. signInAnonymously.mp4 12.1 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/8. Select image from device and upload it to firebase.mp4 26.99 MB
29. Twitter App using MySql and PHP web service/9. Register User.mp4 36.26 MB
3. Build First Kotlin App/1. Run first App.mp4 81.83 MB
3. Build First Kotlin App/2. Data Types Define Variables.mp4 121.14 MB
3. Build First Kotlin App/3. Input data - ReadLine.mp4 65.12 MB
3. Build First Kotlin App/4. Comments.mp4 23.1 MB
3. Build First Kotlin App/6. Solve Swap HomeWork.mp4 42.38 MB
30. Build Web Services with Node.js and C#/1. Node.js Web service and MYSQL.mp4 35.26 MB
30. Build Web Services with Node.js and C#/2. C# Web service and SQL Server.mp4 31.69 MB
31. Publish App to Store/1. Publish App to Store.mp4 10.19 MB
31. Publish App to Store/2. Convert app to source code.mp4 11.74 MB
31. Publish App to Store/3. Avoid Convert app to source code.mp4 15.4 MB
4. Operations and Priorities/1. Math operations..mp4 53.73 MB
4. Operations and Priorities/3. Priorites.mp4 73.85 MB
4. Operations and Priorities/4. Increment and Decrement.mp4 34.25 MB
4. Operations and Priorities/6. App Find my age.mp4 44.9 MB
4. Operations and Priorities/7. Debug your Code step by step.mp4 30.58 MB
5. Decision Making/1. Logic statement.mp4 113.72 MB
5. Decision Making/2. Simple IF.mp4 72.08 MB
5. Decision Making/3. IF- Else.mp4 70.58 MB
5. Decision Making/4. When.mp4 31.49 MB
5. Decision Making/5. Nested IF.mp4 30.23 MB
5. Decision Making/6. Expression If and When..mp4 37.88 MB
6. Loop Control/1. Simple For Loop.mp4 93.13 MB
6. Loop Control/2. While and Do-While Loop.mp4 64.45 MB
6. Loop Control/3. Nested Loops and Condition.mp4 156.11 MB
6. Loop Control/4. Returns and Jumps.mp4 69.46 MB
7. Data Structures (Collections)/1. Definitions and Wrappers.mp4 22.59 MB
7. Data Structures (Collections)/2. One-Dimension Array structure.mp4 9.22 MB
7. Data Structures (Collections)/3. One-Dimension Array implementation.mp4 129.93 MB
7. Data Structures (Collections)/4. String.mp4 99.38 MB
7. Data Structures (Collections)/5. ArrayList.mp4 84.9 MB
7. Data Structures (Collections)/6. LinkedList.mp4 23.54 MB
7. Data Structures (Collections)/7. HashMap.mp4 45.11 MB
7. Data Structures (Collections)/8. Improve code quality.mp4 136.66 MB
7. Data Structures (Collections)/9. mutable vs Immutable.mp4 50.38 MB
8. Functions/1. Simple Function.mp4 137.82 MB
8. Functions/2. Function Overload.mp4 46.3 MB
8. Functions/3. Polymorphism.mp4 31.77 MB
8. Functions/4. Global and Local Variables.mp4 48.55 MB
8. Functions/5. Lamda.mp4 53.86 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/1. What is OOP.mp4 3.36 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/10. interface.mp4 80.25 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/11. Delegation.mp4 59.6 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/12. Casting.mp4 7.01 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/13. Abstract.mp4 8.08 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/14. Enum.mp4 4.91 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/15. Generic.mp4 9.84 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/16. Packages.mp4 11.27 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/17. Inner and Nested Class.mp4 3.89 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/18. Lazy and Singleton design pattern.mp4 55.45 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/19. Comparable Sort array of Objects.mp4 82.03 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/2. Simple Class.mp4 151.52 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/3. constructor.mp4 109.14 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/4. Inheritance.mp4 68.04 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/5. Visibility Modifiers.mp4 47.3 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/6. Overriding.mp4 32.47 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/7. super and this.mp4 36.6 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/8. Extensions.mp4 69.32 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/9. Data Class.mp4 23.28 MB