[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Build an app with ASPNET Core and Angular from scratch
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a5d304d9c828a9ff28c30465d1cede5dc8368c8b&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Build an app with ASPNET Core and Angular from scratch
3.24 GB
2019-7-29 01:25
2024-12-19 15:37
01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4 8.45 MB
01 Introduction/002 Setting up the development environment.mp4 80.35 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/003 Introduction.mp4 5.61 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/004 Creating the DotNet Core WebAPI using the DotNetCLI.mp4 11.29 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/005 Reviewing the Project files in the DotNet Web API.mp4 14.98 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/006 Running the DotNet Core application.mp4 18.24 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/007 Adding DotNet Watch to the application.mp4 9.42 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/008 Creating the first Model and DataContext.mp4 14.38 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/009 Creating the Database using Entity Framework migrations.mp4 21.85 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/010 Retrieving data from the Database.mp4 16.05 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/011 Making our code asynchronous.mp4 9.54 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/012 Adding GIT for source control.mp4 10.97 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/013 Creating the Angular application using AngularCLI.mp4 23.27 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/014 The Angular bootstrapping and running the Angular app.mp4 25.48 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/015 Adding VS Code extensions used in this course.mp4 17.4 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/016 Making HTTP requests in Angular.mp4 27.27 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/017 Adding CORS support to the API.mp4 8.68 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/018 Displaying data from the API on the HTML page.mp4 8.04 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/019 Adding Bootstrap and Font-Awesome to our Angular app.mp4 11.23 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/020 Saving our Angular project into source control.mp4 6.01 MB
02 Building a Walking Skeleton/021 Summary of Section 2.mp4 2.53 MB
03 Security/022 Intoduction.mp4 5.63 MB
03 Security/023 Storing passwords in the Database.mp4 4.33 MB
03 Security/024 Creating the User model.mp4 5.45 MB
03 Security/025 The Repository pattern.mp4 7 MB
03 Security/026 Creating an Interface for the Repository.mp4 3.13 MB
03 Security/027 Creating the concrete Auth Repository.mp4 28.33 MB
03 Security/028 Registering services in the Startup class.mp4 5 MB
03 Security/029 Creating the Register method in our Auth Controller.mp4 11.88 MB
03 Security/030 Using DTOs (Data Transfer Objects).mp4 8.87 MB
03 Security/031 Validation in the API.mp4 12.49 MB
03 Security/032 Token Authentication.mp4 6.17 MB
03 Security/033 Creating the Login method in the API.mp4 21.08 MB
03 Security/035 Summary of Section 3.mp4 3.15 MB
04 Client side login and register/036 Introduction.mp4 3.48 MB
04 Client side login and register/037 Creating the Navigation and Login form.mp4 4.96 MB
04 Client side login and register/038 Introduction to Angular template forms.mp4 17.46 MB
04 Client side login and register/039 Introduction to Angular Services.mp4 16.82 MB
04 Client side login and register/040 Injecting the Angular services in our Components.mp4 5.42 MB
04 Client side login and register/041 Using ngIf to conditionally display HTML Elements.mp4 13.57 MB
04 Client side login and register/042 Adding a component so users can Register to our site.mp4 12.85 MB
04 Client side login and register/043 Parent to Child Component communication using Input properties.mp4 10.53 MB
04 Client side login and register/044 Component Communication Child to Parent using Output properties.mp4 10.28 MB
04 Client side login and register/045 Adding the register method to the Auth Service.mp4 7.88 MB
04 Client side login and register/046 Clean up and save changes into source control.mp4 3.32 MB
04 Client side login and register/047 Summary of Section 4.mp4 1.62 MB
05 Error Handling/048 Introduction.mp4 2.77 MB
05 Error Handling/049 Handling errors with the Global Exception handler in the API.mp4 21.02 MB
05 Error Handling/050 Handling errors in Angular.mp4 18.42 MB
05 Error Handling/051 Summary of Section 5.mp4 2.54 MB
06 Adding 3rd party components to our app/052 Introduction.mp4 4.47 MB
06 Adding 3rd party components to our app/053 Wrapping 3rd party libraries as an Angular service.mp4 14.34 MB
06 Adding 3rd party components to our app/054 Using the Angular JWT library to improve token handling.mp4 11.57 MB
06 Adding 3rd party components to our app/055 Using the Angular JWT library to decode tokens.mp4 17.07 MB
06 Adding 3rd party components to our app/056 Adding Ngx Bootstrap to power our Bootstrap components.mp4 9.86 MB
06 Adding 3rd party components to our app/057 Bringing some color to our app with a theme from Bootswatch.mp4 6.02 MB
06 Adding 3rd party components to our app/058 Summary of Section 6.mp4 4.69 MB
07 Routing in Angular/059 Introduction.mp4 4.5 MB
07 Routing in Angular/060 Setting up routing in Angular.mp4 13.69 MB
07 Routing in Angular/061 Using RouterLinkActive to make our links... active.mp4 2.23 MB
07 Routing in Angular/062 Using routing in our components.mp4 5.51 MB
07 Routing in Angular/063 Protecting our routes with a route guard.mp4 7.26 MB
07 Routing in Angular/064 Protecting multiple routes with a single route guard using dummy routes.mp4 4.32 MB
07 Routing in Angular/065 Summary of Section 7.mp4 4.08 MB
08 Extending the API/066 Introduction.mp4 4.46 MB
08 Extending the API/067 Extending the User Model.mp4 11 MB
08 Extending the API/068 Exploring Entity Framework migrations.mp4 13.74 MB
08 Extending the API/069 Entity Framework Relationships.mp4 5.85 MB
08 Extending the API/070 Seeding Data to the Database - Part 1.mp4 18 MB
08 Extending the API/071 Seeding Data to the Database Part 2.mp4 14.37 MB
08 Extending the API/072 Creating a new repository for our API.mp4 10.04 MB
08 Extending the API/073 Creating the Users Controller.mp4 13.45 MB
08 Extending the API/074 Shaping the data to return with DTOs.mp4 7.7 MB
08 Extending the API/075 Using AutoMapper Part 1.mp4 14.37 MB
08 Extending the API/076 Using AutoMapper Part 2.mp4 14.31 MB
08 Extending the API/077 Summary.mp4 4.81 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/078 Introduction.mp4 4.3 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/079 Introduction to Interfaces in Typescript.mp4 5.79 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/080 Adding Interfaces to our Typescript code.mp4 4.43 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/081 Creating another Angular service.mp4 10.99 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/082 Retrieving the Members into the Member List Component.mp4 9.14 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/083 Creating Member Cards to display on our Member list page.mp4 9.96 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/084 Giving our Members some style with CSS.mp4 9.05 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/085 Adding animated buttons to the member cards.mp4 14.18 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/086 Using AuthHttp to send JWT Tokens per request.mp4 9.78 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/087 Creating the Member Detailed View component class.mp4 14.19 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/088 Designing the Member detailed view template - left hand side.mp4 9.69 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/089 Adding a tabbed panel for the right hand side of the Member detailed page.mp4 15.05 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/090 Using Route Resolvers to retrieve data.mp4 21.31 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/091 Adding a photo gallery to our application.mp4 24.09 MB
09 Building a great looking User Interface/092 Summary.mp4 3.49 MB
10 Updating Resources/093 Introduction.mp4 3.41 MB
10 Updating Resources/094 Creating a Member Edit Component.mp4 15.65 MB
10 Updating Resources/095 Designing the template for the member profile edit page - part 1.mp4 24.79 MB
10 Updating Resources/096 Creating the Member Edit Template part 2.mp4 27.47 MB
10 Updating Resources/097 Adding a CanDeactivate route guard.mp4 12.27 MB
10 Updating Resources/098 Persisting the Member updates.mp4 18.04 MB
10 Updating Resources/099 Finishing off the Member edit component.mp4 6.09 MB
10 Updating Resources/100 Summary.mp4 3.2 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/101 Introduction.mp4 7.62 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/102 Where should we store the photos.mp4 8.03 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/103 Using Cloudinary as a photo storage solution.mp4 23.18 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/104 Creating the Photos controller Part 1.mp4 36.26 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/105 Creating the Photos Controller Part 2.mp4 18.76 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/106 Testing the Photo upload with Postman.mp4 25.32 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/107 Creating the Photo upload component in Angular.mp4 15.98 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/108 Adding a 3rd Party File Uploader.mp4 46.05 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/109 Configuring the 3rd Party file uploader.mp4 21.16 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/110 Adding the Set Main photo functionality to the API.mp4 30.11 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/111 Adding the Set Main Photo functionality to the SPA.mp4 18.19 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/112 Using Underscore to manipulate arrays in the SPA.mp4 23.21 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/113 Output properties revisited..mp4 9.35 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/114 Adding the main photo to the Nav bar.mp4 35.11 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/115 Any to Any component communication in Angular.mp4 5.82 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/116 Using BehaviorSubject to add any to any communication to our app..mp4 25.1 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/117 Adding the Delete photo function to the API.mp4 30.08 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/118 Adding the Delete Photo functionality to the SPA.mp4 25.2 MB
11 Adding Photo upload functionality to the application/119 Summary.mp4 5.12 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/120 Introduction.mp4 5.17 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/121 Introduction to Reactive Forms in Angular.mp4 12.57 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/122 Validation in Reactive forms.mp4 8.08 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/123 Custom Validators in Reactive forms.mp4 7.89 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/124 Providing Validation feedback to the user.mp4 21.53 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/125 Using the Reactive Forms FormBuilder Service.mp4 9.35 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/126 Expanding the Registration form.mp4 14.84 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/127 Handling Dates in Forms.mp4 26.03 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/128 Updating the Register method in the API.mp4 20.66 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/129 Completing the Registration implementation.mp4 19.16 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/130 Fixing the Photos issue for newly registered users.mp4 27.79 MB
12 Reactive Forms in Angular/131 Summary.mp4 4.85 MB
13 Action Filters in ASP.NET Core/132 Introduction.mp4 4.86 MB
13 Action Filters in ASP.NET Core/133 Using a TimeAgo pipe for dates in Angular.mp4 15.72 MB
13 Action Filters in ASP.NET Core/134 Using Action Filters.mp4 23.23 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/135 Introduction.mp4 5.47 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/136 Paging in ASP.NET Core Web API.mp4 4.47 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/137 Adding a PagedList class.mp4 14.88 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/138 Setting up the paging helper classes.mp4 17.01 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/139 Implementing pagination in the API.mp4 20.69 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/140 Setting up pagination in the SPA.mp4 24.84 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/141 Using nix-bootstrap pagination module.mp4 21.15 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/142 Filtering in the API.mp4 15.23 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/143 Adding additional filtering parameters to the API.mp4 9.01 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/144 Adding filtering functionality to the SPA.mp4 27.12 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/145 Sorting results in the API.mp4 10.13 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/146 Adding the Sorting functionality to the SPA.mp4 14.34 MB
14 Paging Sorting and Filtering/147 Summary.mp4 7.33 MB
15 Adding the Likes functionality from start to finish/148 Introduction.mp4 3.27 MB
15 Adding the Likes functionality from start to finish/149 Configuring the EF relationship so users can like each other.mp4 3.49 MB
15 Adding the Likes functionality from start to finish/150 Creating the Like entity.mp4 16.08 MB
15 Adding the Likes functionality from start to finish/151 Adding the Send Like functionality in the API.mp4 21.79 MB
15 Adding the Likes functionality from start to finish/152 Retrieving the list of users liked and liked by user.mp4 18.34 MB
15 Adding the Likes functionality from start to finish/153 Adding the Send like functionality to the SPA.mp4 11.52 MB
15 Adding the Likes functionality from start to finish/154 Creating the Lists component.mp4 27.69 MB
15 Adding the Likes functionality from start to finish/155 Summary of Section 15.mp4 1.49 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/156 Introduction.mp4 8.08 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/157 Creating the Message Entity and relationships.mp4 15.59 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/158 Adding the repository methods for the messages.mp4 8.33 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/159 Adding the Create Message method in the API.mp4 35.97 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/160 Adding the Repository methods for an Inbox Outbox.mp4 17.26 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/161 Creating the Message Controller.mp4 26.57 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/162 Adding the Message thread methods to the API.mp4 18.99 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/163 Working with the message component in the SPA.mp4 37.85 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/164 Designing the Inbox and Outbox template.mp4 12.81 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/165 Getting the message thread in the component.mp4 21.82 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/166 Designing the message tab chat system.mp4 33.85 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/167 Adding Query params to an Angular route.mp4 18.79 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/168 Adding the send message functionality and a challenge.mp4 18.11 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/169 Challenge solution - resolving the issue with the photos.mp4 14.21 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/170 Adding the Delete message functionality to the API.mp4 16.67 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/171 Deleting messages in the SPA.mp4 17.96 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/172 Adding the Mark as Read functionality.mp4 27.51 MB
16 Add a private messaging system to the application/173 Summary of Section 16.mp4 2.4 MB
17 Publishing/174 Introduction.mp4 1.46 MB
17 Publishing/175 Fixing warnings from Entity Framework in the terminal.mp4 13.86 MB
17 Publishing/176 Fixing and cleaning up the Angular code.mp4 14.69 MB
17 Publishing/177 Migrating to the HttpClientModule Part 1 - Angular JWT.mp4 29.47 MB
17 Publishing/178 Migrating to the HttpClientModule Part 2 - Services.mp4 31.21 MB
17 Publishing/179 Migrating to the HttpClientModule Part 3 - HTTP Interceptor for error handling.mp4 38.74 MB
17 Publishing/180 Using NG Build - Running our Angular app from the Kestrel server.mp4 13.45 MB
17 Publishing/181 Angular Production build with the Angular CLI.mp4 4.51 MB
17 Publishing/182 Using the Angular CLI for Ahead of Time Compilation.mp4 26.65 MB
17 Publishing/183 Swapping the Database backend to MySQL.mp4 46.9 MB
17 Publishing/184 Publishing our app to an IIS Server.mp4 16.02 MB
17 Publishing/185 Preparing a Linux server for publishing our application.mp4 22.44 MB
17 Publishing/186 Publishing the app to the Linux server.mp4 39.03 MB
17 Publishing/187 Course Wrap Up.mp4 622.2 KB
18 Bonus - Angular v6 Update/188 Angular 6 Update Introduction.mp4 6.27 MB
18 Bonus - Angular v6 Update/189 Updating the project to Angular 6.mp4 221.97 MB
18 Bonus - Angular v6 Update/190 Updating the RxJS code to RxJS v6.mp4 273.57 MB
18 Bonus - Angular v6 Update/191 Building the project for production.mp4 97.67 MB