[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Data Science Bootcamp with 5 Data Science Projects
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:85245ed0422917425b5bad4e53a4913884e17de9&dn=[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Data Science Bootcamp with 5 Data Science Projects
12.47 GB
2021-8-29 00:06
2025-3-20 00:17
1. Python Fundamentals/1. Why should you learn Python.mp4 65.7 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/10. Identity and Membership Operators.mp4 39.19 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/12. Quiz Solution.mp4 34.21 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/13. String Formatting.mp4 51.35 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/14. String Methods.mp4 43.31 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/15. User Input.mp4 40.96 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/17. Quiz Solution.mp4 53.1 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/18. If, elif, and else.mp4 65.92 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/19. For and While.mp4 53.02 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/2. Installing Python and Jupyter Notebook.mp4 33.58 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/20. Break and Continue.mp4 40.79 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/22. Quiz Solution.mp4 49.01 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/3. Naming Convention for variables.mp4 102.16 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/4. Built in Data Types and Type Casting.mp4 119.97 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/5. Scope of Variables.mp4 77.13 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/7. Quiz Solution.mp4 46.57 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/8. Arithmetic and Assignment Operators.mp4 78.02 MB
1. Python Fundamentals/9. Comparison, Logical, and Bitwise Operators.mp4 62.4 MB
10. Data Exploration/1. Why EDA and how it is useful.mp4 42.24 MB
10. Data Exploration/10. Using Color Gradients for better analysis.mp4 43.84 MB
10. Data Exploration/11. Best Practices for Data Exploration.mp4 40.03 MB
10. Data Exploration/13. Quiz Solution.mp4 55.92 MB
10. Data Exploration/2. Course curriculum walkthrough.mp4 54.71 MB
10. Data Exploration/3. Data Profiling.mp4 68.39 MB
10. Data Exploration/4. Analyzing Target Data.mp4 51.17 MB
10. Data Exploration/6. Quiz Solution.mp4 48.06 MB
10. Data Exploration/7. Summarizing data.mp4 38.13 MB
10. Data Exploration/8. Exploring the Dabl Library.mp4 101.84 MB
10. Data Exploration/9. Exploring the Sweetviz Library.mp4 81.57 MB
11. Capstone Project 1 Players Performance Analysis/1. Understanding the problem statement.mp4 53.01 MB
11. Capstone Project 1 Players Performance Analysis/2. Setting up the Environment.mp4 34.19 MB
11. Capstone Project 1 Players Performance Analysis/3. Data Cleaning.mp4 74.32 MB
11. Capstone Project 1 Players Performance Analysis/4. Feature Engineering.mp4 47.51 MB
11. Capstone Project 1 Players Performance Analysis/5. Data Visualization.mp4 77.85 MB
11. Capstone Project 1 Players Performance Analysis/6. Query Analysis.mp4 51.87 MB
11. Capstone Project 1 Players Performance Analysis/7. Major Learnings from the project.mp4 38.89 MB
12. Capstone Project 2 Startups Case Study and Analysis/1. Understanding the Problem Statement.mp4 50.3 MB
12. Capstone Project 2 Startups Case Study and Analysis/2. Setting up the Environment.mp4 21.29 MB
12. Capstone Project 2 Startups Case Study and Analysis/3. Data Cleaning.mp4 52.88 MB
12. Capstone Project 2 Startups Case Study and Analysis/4. Querying the data using Visualizations Part - 1.mp4 53.02 MB
12. Capstone Project 2 Startups Case Study and Analysis/5. Querying the data using Visualizations Part - 2.mp4 32.46 MB
12. Capstone Project 2 Startups Case Study and Analysis/6. Major learning from the Project.mp4 30.87 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/1. Setting up the Environment.mp4 45.56 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/10. Loss and Profit Analysis on English and Foreign Movies.mp4 42.23 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/11. Gross Comparison of Long and Short Movies.mp4 46.2 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/12. Association between IMDB Rating and Duration.mp4 47.28 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/13. Comparing Critically acclaimed Actors.mp4 60.65 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/14. Top Movies based on Gross, and IMDB.mp4 33.45 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/15. Recommending Movies based on Languages and Actors.mp4 46.78 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/16. Recommending Similar Genres and Movies.mp4 68.33 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/17. Key Takeaways from this Project.mp4 33.43 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/2. Taking a Deep Dive into the Dataset.mp4 48.4 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/3. Understanding the Problem Statement.mp4 30.63 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/4. Missing Values Imputation.mp4 51.85 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/5. Top 10 Profitable Movies.mp4 50.11 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/6. Manipulating the Duration and Language Column.mp4 51.34 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/7. Extracting the Movie Genres.mp4 49.79 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/8. Top 10 Most Popular Movies on Social Media.mp4 32.66 MB
13. Capstone Project 3 Movie Recommender Systems/9. Analysing Which Genre is Most Bankable.mp4 38.36 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/1. Setting up Environment.mp4 47.99 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/10. Comparing Some of the Most Popular Countries.mp4 45.34 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/11. Comparing Lifestyle in Indian Cities.mp4 45.62 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/12. Ranking Places based on their cost of living.mp4 48.05 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/13. Analysing Cost of Essential Items.mp4 51.58 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/14. Analysing Quality of Life.mp4 46.7 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/15. Suggesting Better places to live.mp4 39.35 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/2. Understanding the Dataset.mp4 36.63 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/3. Understanding the Problem Statement.mp4 36.01 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/4. Extracting Latitude and Longitude from the L.mp4 82.88 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/5. Performing Feature Engineering.mp4 47.12 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/6. Comparing Lifestyle in different Countries.mp4 45.39 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/7. Top N and Bottom N Analysis.mp4 56.02 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/8. Performing Geo spatial Analysis.mp4 36.54 MB
14. Capstone Project 4 Global Cost of Living/9. Comparing different Lifestyle Factors.mp4 38.32 MB
15. Capstone Project 5 Customer Segmentation Engine/1. Understanding the Problem Statement.mp4 53.55 MB
15. Capstone Project 5 Customer Segmentation Engine/2. Setting up the Environment.mp4 28.81 MB
15. Capstone Project 5 Customer Segmentation Engine/3. Data Analysis and Visualization.mp4 77.71 MB
15. Capstone Project 5 Customer Segmentation Engine/4. KMeans Clustering Analysis.mp4 61.79 MB
15. Capstone Project 5 Customer Segmentation Engine/5. Major Learnings from the projects.mp4 36.71 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/1. Differences between Lists and Tuples.mp4 48.69 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/10. Set Operations.mp4 58.6 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/12. Quiz Solution.mp4 38.29 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/13. Introduction to Stacks and Queues.mp4 48.73 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/14. Implementing Stacks and Queues using Lists.mp4 36.49 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/15. Implementing Stacks andd Queues using Deque.mp4 41.57 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/17. Quiz Solution.mp4 39.5 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/18. Time Complexity.mp4 120.23 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/19. Linear Search.mp4 95.41 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/2. Operations on Lists.mp4 44.4 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/20. Binary Search.mp4 109.49 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/21. Bubble Sort.mp4 75.55 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/22. Insertion and Selection Sort.mp4 120.08 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/23. Merge Sort.mp4 115.4 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/25. Quiz Solution.mp4 73.19 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/3. Operations on Tuples.mp4 27.49 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/5. Quiz Solution.mp4 37.04 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/6. Introduction to Dictionaries.mp4 66.81 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/7. Operations on Dictionaries.mp4 37.54 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/8. Nested Dictionaries.mp4 60.46 MB
2. Python for Data Analysis/9. Introduction to Sets.mp4 75.44 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/1. Introduction to Functions.mp4 40.26 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/10. List, set, and Dictionary Comprehensions.mp4 54.62 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/12. Quiz Solution.mp4 40.28 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/13. Introduction to Aggregate Functions.mp4 30.63 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/14. Introduction to Analytical Functions.mp4 34.72 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/16. Quiz Solution.mp4 38.26 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/17. Solving the Factorial Problem using Recursion.mp4 55.41 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/18. Solving the Fibonacci Problem using Recursion.mp4 62.73 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/2. Default Parameters in Functions.mp4 53.99 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/20. Quiz Solution.mp4 38.04 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/21. Introduction to Classes and Objects.mp4 39.59 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/22. Inheritance.mp4 32.49 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/23. Encapsulation.mp4 62.13 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/24. Polymorhism.mp4 46.26 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/26. Quiz Solution.mp4 40.46 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/3. Positional Arguments.mp4 32.12 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/4. Keyword Arguments.mp4 36.35 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/5. Python Modules.mp4 42.66 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/7. Quiz Solution.mp4 47.7 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/8. Lambda Functions.mp4 53.13 MB
3. Python Functions Deep Dive/9. Filter, Map, and Zip Functions.mp4 79.87 MB
4. Python for Data Science/1. Introduction to datetime.mp4 37.5 MB
4. Python for Data Science/10. Sets for Regular Expressions.mp4 56.06 MB
4. Python for Data Science/12. Quiz Solution.mp4 32.87 MB
4. Python for Data Science/13. Array Creation using Numpy.mp4 50.95 MB
4. Python for Data Science/14. Mathematical Operations using Numpy.mp4 36.35 MB
4. Python for Data Science/15. Built-in Functions in Numpy.mp4 40.03 MB
4. Python for Data Science/17. Quiz Solution.mp4 57.64 MB
4. Python for Data Science/18. Reading Datasets using Pandas.mp4 65.7 MB
4. Python for Data Science/19. Plotting Data in Pandas.mp4 35.74 MB
4. Python for Data Science/2. The date and time class.mp4 33.57 MB
4. Python for Data Science/20. Indexing, Selecting, and Filtering Data using Pandas.mp4 68.96 MB
4. Python for Data Science/21. Merging and Concatenating DataFrames.mp4 76.71 MB
4. Python for Data Science/22. Lambda, Map, and Apply Functions.mp4 37.19 MB
4. Python for Data Science/24. Quiz Solution.mp4 54.71 MB
4. Python for Data Science/3. The datetime class.mp4 22.53 MB
4. Python for Data Science/4. The timedelta class.mp4 19.36 MB
4. Python for Data Science/6. Quiz Solution.mp4 44.08 MB
4. Python for Data Science/7. Meta Characters for Regular Expressions.mp4 74.08 MB
4. Python for Data Science/8. Built-in Functions for Regular Expressions.mp4 37.61 MB
4. Python for Data Science/9. Special Characters for Regular Expressions.mp4 40.9 MB
5. Data Cleaning/1. Causes and Impact of Missing Values.mp4 64.41 MB
5. Data Cleaning/10. Finding out outliers from the data.mp4 63.2 MB
5. Data Cleaning/11. Using Winsorization to deal with outliers.mp4 50.49 MB
5. Data Cleaning/12. Deleting and Capping the outliers.mp4 60.83 MB
5. Data Cleaning/13. Dealing with outliers in a real-world scenario.mp4 50.81 MB
5. Data Cleaning/15. Quiz Solution.mp4 56.11 MB
5. Data Cleaning/16. Introduction to reindex, set_index, reset_index, and sort_index Functions.mp4 44.69 MB
5. Data Cleaning/17. Introduction to Replace and Drop level Function.mp4 32.96 MB
5. Data Cleaning/18. Introduction to Split and Strip Function.mp4 37.86 MB
5. Data Cleaning/19. Introduction to Stack, and Unstack Functions.mp4 25.35 MB
5. Data Cleaning/2. Types of Missing Values.mp4 61.68 MB
5. Data Cleaning/20. Introduction to Melt, Explode, and Squeeze Functions.mp4 41.38 MB
5. Data Cleaning/21. Data Cleaning on Big Mart Dataset.mp4 38.29 MB
5. Data Cleaning/22. Data Cleaning on Movie Dataset.mp4 37.28 MB
5. Data Cleaning/23. Data Cleaning on Melbourne Housing Dataset.mp4 42.13 MB
5. Data Cleaning/24. Data Cleaning on Naukri Dataset.mp4 106.15 MB
5. Data Cleaning/3. When should we delete the missing values.mp4 79.62 MB
5. Data Cleaning/4. Imputing missing values with the business logic.mp4 74 MB
5. Data Cleaning/5. Imputing missing values with MeanMedianMode.mp4 55.93 MB
5. Data Cleaning/6. Imputing missing values in a real-time scenario.mp4 82.57 MB
5. Data Cleaning/8. Quiz Solution.mp4 49.17 MB
5. Data Cleaning/9. How outliers can be harmful for machine learning models.mp4 69.04 MB
6. Query Analysis/1. Aggregate functions used for Grouping.mp4 51.71 MB
6. Query Analysis/10. Interactive Grouping Operations.mp4 35.71 MB
6. Query Analysis/12. Quiz Solution.mp4 54.39 MB
6. Query Analysis/13. When to perform Filtering Operations.mp4 38.38 MB
6. Query Analysis/14. Introduction to Simple Filtering Operations.mp4 22.07 MB
6. Query Analysis/15. Advanced Filtering Operations.mp4 35.71 MB
6. Query Analysis/16. Filtering and Grouping Operations.mp4 21.74 MB
6. Query Analysis/17. Interactive Filtering Operations.mp4 20.87 MB
6. Query Analysis/19. Quiz Solution.mp4 45.92 MB
6. Query Analysis/2. Using Groupby for Grouping Operations.mp4 27.18 MB
6. Query Analysis/3. Groupby with Idxmax and Idxmin functions.mp4 25.9 MB
6. Query Analysis/4. Using Color scales for better visualization.mp4 23.46 MB
6. Query Analysis/5. Visualizing the Groupby Operations.mp4 28.71 MB
6. Query Analysis/6. Using Pivot Tables for Grouping Operations.mp4 30.55 MB
6. Query Analysis/7. Difference between Groupby and Pivot tables.mp4 24.46 MB
6. Query Analysis/8. Performing Cross Tabulation.mp4 38.51 MB
6. Query Analysis/9. Visualizing Cross tabulated Data.mp4 22.81 MB
7. Data Visualizations/1. Univariate Analysis.mp4 57.08 MB
7. Data Visualizations/10. Statistical Charts.mp4 38.31 MB
7. Data Visualizations/11. Polar Charts.mp4 29.39 MB
7. Data Visualizations/12. Subplots.mp4 34.77 MB
7. Data Visualizations/13. 3D Charts.mp4 24.58 MB
7. Data Visualizations/14. Waffle Charts.mp4 29.35 MB
7. Data Visualizations/15. Maps.mp4 30.72 MB
7. Data Visualizations/17. Quiz Solution.mp4 48.87 MB
7. Data Visualizations/18. Animation with Bubbleplot.mp4 47.76 MB
7. Data Visualizations/19. Animation with Facets.mp4 26.68 MB
7. Data Visualizations/2. Bivariate Analysis.mp4 44.94 MB
7. Data Visualizations/20. Animation with Scatter Maps.mp4 22.69 MB
7. Data Visualizations/21. Animation with Choropleth Maps.mp4 30.59 MB
7. Data Visualizations/23. Quiz Solution.mp4 34.51 MB
7. Data Visualizations/24. Introduction to Ipywidgets.mp4 38.57 MB
7. Data Visualizations/25. Interactive Univariate Analysis.mp4 29.88 MB
7. Data Visualizations/26. Interactive Bivariate Analysis.mp4 33.85 MB
7. Data Visualizations/27. Interactive Multivariate Analysis.mp4 29.16 MB
7. Data Visualizations/29. Quiz Solution.mp4 53.79 MB
7. Data Visualizations/3. Multivariate Analysis.mp4 70.9 MB
7. Data Visualizations/30. Sunburst Charts.mp4 33.1 MB
7. Data Visualizations/31. Parallel Co-ordinate Charts.mp4 22.96 MB
7. Data Visualizations/32. Funnel Charts.mp4 39.13 MB
7. Data Visualizations/33. Gantt Charts.mp4 25.09 MB
7. Data Visualizations/34. Ternary Charts.mp4 20.32 MB
7. Data Visualizations/35. Tree Maps.mp4 21.44 MB
7. Data Visualizations/36. Network Charts.mp4 39.79 MB
7. Data Visualizations/38. Quiz Solution.mp4 38.48 MB
7. Data Visualizations/5. Quiz Solution.mp4 47.11 MB
7. Data Visualizations/6. Scatter Plots.mp4 45.14 MB
7. Data Visualizations/7. Charts with Colorscale.mp4 31.78 MB
7. Data Visualizations/8. Bar, Line, and Area Charts.mp4 48.51 MB
7. Data Visualizations/9. Facet Grids.mp4 37.91 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/1. Why you should learn Statistics and Probability.mp4 35.09 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/10. Quiz Solution.mp4 85.98 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/11. Types of Data.mp4 71.32 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/12. Measures of Central Tendency.mp4 67.8 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/13. Measures of Spread.mp4 78.94 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/14. Measures of Dependence.mp4 41.41 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/16. Quiz Solution.mp4 64.32 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/17. Continuous vs Discrete Distributions.mp4 36.29 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/18. Introduction to Normal Distribution.mp4 55.02 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/19. Concept of Skewness.mp4 41.04 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/2. Walking through the course Content.mp4 29.41 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/20. Using QQ Plots to check Normal Distribution.mp4 47.59 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/22. Quiz Solution.mp4 59.54 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/23. Sample Mean and Population Mean.mp4 86.1 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/24. Central Limit Theorem.mp4 57.02 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/25. Bias and Variance.mp4 66.16 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/26. Maximum Likelihood Estimation.mp4 72.56 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/27. Confidence Intervals.mp4 121.19 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/29. Quiz Solution.mp4 71.01 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/3. Applications of Probability in Real Life.mp4 61.75 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/4. Basic Probability.mp4 74.4 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/5. Conditional Probability.mp4 80.38 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/6. Set Theory.mp4 75.69 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/7. Bayes' Theorem.mp4 58.74 MB
8. Statistics and Probability/8. Permutations and Combinations.mp4 96.96 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/1. What is Hypothesis Testing.mp4 52.37 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/11. Quiz Solution.mp4 44.43 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/12. One Sampled Z Test.mp4 67.83 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/13. Two Sampled Z Test.mp4 48.29 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/15. Quiz Solution.mp4 42.06 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/16. One Sampled ANOVA Test.mp4 48.9 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/17. Two Sampled ANOVA Test.mp4 38.83 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/19. Quiz Solution.mp4 39.42 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/2. Null Hypothesis and Alternate Hypothesis.mp4 55.28 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/20. Goodness of Fit Test.mp4 36.85 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/21. Test of Independence.mp4 31.83 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/23. Quiz Solution.mp4 38.8 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/3. Types of Error.mp4 33.87 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/4. P-Value and Level of Significance.mp4 75.74 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/6. Quiz Solution.mp4 52.72 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/7. One Sampled T Test.mp4 69.47 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/8. Two Sampled T Test.mp4 40.22 MB
9. Hypothesis Testing/9. Paired Sampled T Test.mp4 43.98 MB