Udemy - Flutter & Firebase Build a Complete App for iOS & Android 2020-2 [AhLaN]
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:68ab6067caa4ddbbf2f057c65cdd18c7ae248c27&dn=Udemy - Flutter & Firebase Build a Complete App for iOS & Android 2020-2 [AhLaN]
12.61 GB
2021-8-12 01:53
2024-12-2 13:48
06 Building Layouts/114 Using assertions for better widget API design.mp4 110.33 MB
01 Course Introduction/001 Course Introduction.mp4 16.94 MB
01 Course Introduction/002 Course Content.mp4 17.69 MB
01 Course Introduction/003 App Overview.mp4 61.82 MB
01 Course Introduction/004 Making the most of this course.mp4 12.68 MB
01 Course Introduction/005 What is Flutter.mp4 16.7 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/006 The Dart Language.mp4 19.23 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/007 Introduction to Dartpad.mp4 3.13 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/008 A simple program.mp4 6.27 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/009 Variable declaration and initialization.mp4 12.2 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/010 String interpolation.mp4 11.96 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/011 Type inference with var.mp4 16.07 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/012 Var and final.mp4 9.44 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/013 The dynamic keyword.mp4 9.02 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/014 Introduction to functions.mp4 21.88 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/015 Function return types.mp4 11.52 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/016 Optional parameters nullability and default values.mp4 14.4 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/017 Named parameters.mp4 12.22 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/018 The arrow operator.mp4 12.41 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/019 Introduction to classes.mp4 13.29 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/020 Class constructors.mp4 19.74 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/021 Instance methods.mp4 13.36 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/022 Inheritance.mp4 18.52 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/023 The super constructor.mp4 13.68 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/024 The base Object class and the toString method.mp4 13.11 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/025 Overriding the toString method.mp4 37.77 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/026 Abstract classes.mp4 15.39 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/027 More on abstract classes.mp4 14.22 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/028 Using abstract classes with functions.mp4 10.98 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/029 Computed properties.mp4 16.56 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/030 Mixins.mp4 26.04 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/031 Introduction to lists.mp4 18.66 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/032 Introduction to maps.mp4 15.27 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/033 Generics and type annotations.mp4 23.46 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/034 If and else statements.mp4 16.83 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/035 The ternary operator.mp4 10.38 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/036 The while loop.mp4 14.62 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/037 The for loop.mp4 9.11 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/038 Closures and the fold method.mp4 20.06 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/039 Enumerations.mp4 12.95 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/040 Switch statements.mp4 17.28 MB
02 Introduction to Dart/041 Wrap-up.mp4 9.62 MB
03 Flutter setup on macOS/044 Flutter setup on macOS.mp4 27.13 MB
03 Flutter setup on macOS/045 Setting the PATH variable.mp4 59.12 MB
03 Flutter setup on macOS/046 Flutter doctor.mp4 13.3 MB
03 Flutter setup on macOS/047 Xcode and iOS simulator setup.mp4 33.77 MB
03 Flutter setup on macOS/048 Installing Android Studio.mp4 45.85 MB
03 Flutter setup on macOS/049 Installing the Android emulator.mp4 16.24 MB
03 Flutter setup on macOS/050 Running Flutter from the command line.mp4 75.37 MB
03 Flutter setup on macOS/051 Flutter setup on Android Studio.mp4 33.09 MB
03 Flutter setup on macOS/052 Installing Visual Studio Code.mp4 29.13 MB
04 Flutter setup on Windows/054 Flutter setup on Windows.mp4 19.23 MB
04 Flutter setup on Windows/055 Updating the path variable.mp4 28.55 MB
04 Flutter setup on Windows/056 Flutter doctor.mp4 13.35 MB
04 Flutter setup on Windows/057 Installing Android Studio.mp4 56.82 MB
04 Flutter setup on Windows/058 Installing the Android emulator.mp4 31.38 MB
04 Flutter setup on Windows/059 Running Flutter from the command line.mp4 36.83 MB
04 Flutter setup on Windows/060 Flutter setup on Android Studio.mp4 48.02 MB
04 Flutter setup on Windows/061 Installing Visual Studio Code.mp4 32.07 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/063 Creating a Flutter project with Android Studio.mp4 56.69 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/064 A tour of the project folders.mp4 37.69 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/065 Running the Android emulator and iOS simulator.mp4 30.2 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/066 Overview of the Flutter counter app.mp4 13.55 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/067 Hot reload and hot restart.mp4 46.68 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/068 Introduction to widgets.mp4 26.46 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/069 The MaterialApp widget.mp4 23.72 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/070 The Scaffold widget.mp4 36.43 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/071 The Flutter widget tree.mp4 40.12 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/072 Stateless and stateful widgets.mp4 30.06 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/073 Updating the counter with setState.mp4 27.84 MB
05 Introduction to Flutter/074 Wrap up.mp4 13.2 MB
06 Building Layouts/077 Overview of the Time tracker app.mp4 19.39 MB
06 Building Layouts/078 Switching between apps.mp4 12.76 MB
06 Building Layouts/079 Writing the root widget of the app.mp4 25.35 MB
06 Building Layouts/080 Adding the MaterialApp.mp4 19.5 MB
06 Building Layouts/081 Adding some folders to our project.mp4 18.97 MB
06 Building Layouts/082 Adding a sign-in page.mp4 25.33 MB
06 Building Layouts/083 The ThemeData class.mp4 21.57 MB
06 Building Layouts/084 The AppBar widget.mp4 20.05 MB
06 Building Layouts/085 Preview of the SignInPage layout.mp4 10.94 MB
06 Building Layouts/086 Adding a Column layout.mp4 25.58 MB
06 Building Layouts/087 The CrossAxisAlignment property.mp4 33.18 MB
06 Building Layouts/088 Code formatting with dartfmt.mp4 45.49 MB
06 Building Layouts/089 Adding some boxes and extracting code into a method.mp4 35.2 MB
06 Building Layouts/090 Private methods.mp4 31.01 MB
06 Building Layouts/091 Adding some padding.mp4 47.5 MB
06 Building Layouts/092 The MainAxisAlignment property.mp4 13.35 MB
06 Building Layouts/093 Text TextStyle and FontWeight.mp4 34.06 MB
06 Building Layouts/094 Introduction to buttons.mp4 18.74 MB
06 Building Layouts/095 Adding the first button.mp4 32.64 MB
06 Building Layouts/096 Button callbacks explained.mp4 40.59 MB
06 Building Layouts/097 Customising button colors.mp4 33.61 MB
06 Building Layouts/098 MaterialColor explained.mp4 36.12 MB
06 Building Layouts/099 Changing button shapes.mp4 23.15 MB
06 Building Layouts/100 Making code reusable.mp4 13.99 MB
06 Building Layouts/101 Creating a reusable custom RaisedButton.mp4 61.92 MB
06 Building Layouts/102 Creating a reusable SignInButton.mp4 32.98 MB
06 Building Layouts/103 Setting default values.mp4 21.86 MB
06 Building Layouts/104 Making the button height configurable.mp4 35.22 MB
06 Building Layouts/105 Adding the remaining buttons.mp4 50.39 MB
06 Building Layouts/106 Adding logos introduction.mp4 14.48 MB
06 Building Layouts/107 Updating the pubspec.yaml file.mp4 47.83 MB
06 Building Layouts/108 Image variants.mp4 18.72 MB
06 Building Layouts/109 Adding an image inside a button.mp4 36.48 MB
06 Building Layouts/110 Arranging widgets horizontally in a Row.mp4 47.28 MB
06 Building Layouts/111 The Opacity widget.mp4 29.22 MB
06 Building Layouts/112 Creating a custom SocialSignInButton.mp4 60.11 MB
06 Building Layouts/113 The required annotation.mp4 60.96 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/116 Local and remote authentication.mp4 38.85 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/117 Introduction to Firebase.mp4 10.92 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/118 Creating a Firebase project.mp4 20.05 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/119 Configuring Firebase for Android.mp4 75.31 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/120 Configuring Firebase for iOS.mp4 59.98 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/121 Installing the firebase_auth package.mp4 25.85 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/122 Running on iOS using the Xcode legacy build system.mp4 47.59 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/123 Running on Android.mp4 7.91 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/124 Migrating to AndroidX.mp4 44.42 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/125 Signing in anonymously with Firebase.mp4 38.86 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/126 Futures async and await.mp4 59.65 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/127 The FirebaseAuth singleton and private constructors.mp4 32.57 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/128 Explaining the short-hand syntax for callbacks.mp4 12.66 MB
07 Firebase Authentication/129 Error handling with trycatch.mp4 28 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/132 Preview of the sign-in and sign-out flow.mp4 29.98 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/133 Creating a landing page widget.mp4 17.97 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/134 Adding a FirebaseUser to the LandingPage.mp4 15.3 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/135 Adding a callback to the SignInPage.mp4 25.5 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/136 Hooking up the onSignIn callback.mp4 24.96 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/137 Updating the SignInPage with setState.mp4 13.77 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/138 Creating the home page.mp4 36.53 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/139 Adding the sign-out functionality.mp4 23.82 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/140 Hooking up the onSignOut callback.mp4 25.42 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/141 Retrieving the current user when the app starts.mp4 34.15 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/142 Fixing the code in initState.mp4 44.81 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/143 Explaining global access and scoped access.mp4 22.21 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/144 Creating the Auth class.mp4 24.41 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/145 Creating the User class.mp4 29.91 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/146 The abstract AuthBase class.mp4 27.05 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/147 Using the Auth class.mp4 66.36 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/148 Lifting state up and its drawbacks.mp4 34.84 MB
08 Full Authentication Flow State Management Dependency Injection/149 State Management App Architecture.mp4 18.26 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/150 Introduction to Streams.mp4 14.55 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/151 Streams in practice with DartPad.mp4 21.41 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/152 Handling errors and closing streams.mp4 31.45 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/153 The onAuthStateChanged stream.mp4 12.43 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/154 Type safety with Streams.mp4 22.51 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/155 Stream.map explained.mp4 23.4 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/156 Listening to the onAuthStateChanged stream.mp4 25.74 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/157 Introduction to StreamBuilder.mp4 32.73 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/158 Adding a CircularProgressIndicator.mp4 22.24 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/159 More on StreamBuilder.mp4 38.07 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/160 Refactoring the sign-in flows.mp4 43.07 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/161 Fixing the StreamBuilder code.mp4 25.27 MB
09 Streams and StreamBuilder/162 Summary on Streams and StreamBuilder.mp4 20.06 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/164 Overview of the Firebase sign-in methods.mp4 12.16 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/165 Enabling support for Google Sign In.mp4 17.28 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/166 Adding Google Sign-In to the Auth class.mp4 65.05 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/167 Hooking up Google Sign-In to our button.mp4 21.05 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/168 Configuring Google Sign-In on iOS.mp4 50.1 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/169 Google Sign-In flow explained.mp4 31.64 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/170 Supporting Google Sign Out.mp4 21.76 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/171 Testing Google Sign-In on Android.mp4 26.11 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/173 Viewing registered users on the Firebase console.mp4 4.78 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/174 Registering a Facebook App.mp4 76 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/175 Enabling Facebook Sign-In on Firebase.mp4 21.89 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/176 Adding the Facebook Sign-In code.mp4 60.99 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/177 Testing Facebook Sign-In on Android.mp4 35.61 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/178 Facebook iOS setup in Xcode.mp4 47.22 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/179 Testing Facebook Sign-In on iOS.mp4 20.59 MB
10 Google and Facebook Sign-In/180 Accessing the users data and privacy considerations.mp4 30.16 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/182 Preview of the email password sign-in page.mp4 19.61 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/183 Creating the email password sign-in page.mp4 20.09 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/184 Passing the BuildContext across methods.mp4 22.34 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/185 Introduction to navigation.mp4 51.6 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/186 Adding a Card widget.mp4 18.44 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/187 Adding the email and password text fields.mp4 48.27 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/188 Adding the submit buttons.mp4 25.66 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/189 Creating a FormSubmitButton widget.mp4 34.14 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/190 Adding a TextEditingController.mp4 59.86 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/191 Toggling the form type.mp4 76.65 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/192 Adding the email password authentication code.mp4 43.38 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/193 Implementing the submit method.mp4 38.55 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/194 Testing email password sign-in.mp4 36.25 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/195 Customising the email and password text fields.mp4 44.7 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/196 Using FocusNode and FocusScope.mp4 64.32 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/197 Disabling the submit button on empty email or password.mp4 63.81 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/198 Adding a StringValidator class.mp4 22.6 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/199 Adding an email and password validation mixin.mp4 30.84 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/200 Showing an error text when the email or password are invalid.mp4 38.81 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/201 Tweaking form submission.mp4 60.36 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/202 Simulating a slow network with a delay.mp4 34.47 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/203 Adding a loading state to our form.mp4 45.57 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/204 Updating the email focus logic.mp4 27.08 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/205 Fixing the vertical overflow on small screens.mp4 45.44 MB
11 Email Password Sign-In Handling Text Input/206 Wrap-up.mp4 47.9 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/208 Introduction to dialogs.mp4 13.89 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/209 Showing a dialog.mp4 33.14 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/210 Dismissing dialogs.mp4 23.23 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/211 Platform-aware widgets on iOS Android more.mp4 42.43 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/212 Creating a PlatformWidget base class.mp4 25.82 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/213 Creating a PlatformAlertDialog widget.mp4 83.14 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/214 Showing the PlatformAlertDialog.mp4 64.8 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/215 Tweaking the PlatformAlertDialog.mp4 50.89 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/216 Adding a sign-out confirmation alert.mp4 40.23 MB
12 Platform-Aware Dialogs/217 Adding a cancel button to the PlatformAlertDialog.mp4 49.59 MB
13 Scoped Access with InheritedWidget and Provider/219 Introduction to InheritedWidget.mp4 35.23 MB
13 Scoped Access with InheritedWidget and Provider/220 Creating an AuthProvider.mp4 52.42 MB
13 Scoped Access with InheritedWidget and Provider/221 Accessing the Auth object via the AuthProvider.mp4 78.72 MB
13 Scoped Access with InheritedWidget and Provider/222 Adding the provider package.mp4 12.97 MB
13 Scoped Access with InheritedWidget and Provider/223 Adding MultiDex support on Android.mp4 24.26 MB
13 Scoped Access with InheritedWidget and Provider/224 Using the Provider class.mp4 44.3 MB
13 Scoped Access with InheritedWidget and Provider/226 Wrap-up about scoped access.mp4 24.11 MB
14 Polishing the Authentication Flows/228 Module Introduction.mp4 12.25 MB
14 Polishing the Authentication Flows/229 PlatformException explained.mp4 35.87 MB
14 Polishing the Authentication Flows/230 Creating a PlatformExceptionAlertDialog.mp4 25.23 MB
14 Polishing the Authentication Flows/231 Customising error messages.mp4 45.98 MB
14 Polishing the Authentication Flows/232 Using PlatformException on the SignInPage.mp4 48.56 MB
14 Polishing the Authentication Flows/233 Adding a loading state overview.mp4 9.93 MB
14 Polishing the Authentication Flows/234 Adding a loading state to the SignInPage.mp4 29.75 MB
14 Polishing the Authentication Flows/235 Using the loading state in the SignInPage.mp4 37.19 MB
14 Polishing the Authentication Flows/236 The dispose method.mp4 33.46 MB
15 BLoCs/237 Introduction to state management with BLoCs.mp4 45.97 MB
15 BLoCs/238 The application layers.mp4 9.68 MB
15 BLoCs/239 BLoCs sinks streams and asynchronous code.mp4 24.64 MB
15 BLoCs/240 Introduction to the SignInBloc.mp4 18.23 MB
15 BLoCs/241 Implementing a simple BLoC.mp4 24.01 MB
15 BLoCs/242 Adding a Bloc with Provider inside a static method.mp4 28.3 MB
15 BLoCs/243 Adding the StreamBuilder code.mp4 27.64 MB
15 BLoCs/244 Converting the SignInPage to a stateless widget.mp4 37.21 MB
15 BLoCs/245 The difference between Provider.of and Consumer.mp4 38.5 MB
15 BLoCs/246 Disposing BLoCs with Provider.mp4 8.88 MB
15 BLoCs/247 Adding authentication code to the SignInBloc.mp4 57.26 MB
15 BLoCs/248 Updating the SignInPage.mp4 26.04 MB
15 BLoCs/249 Fixing the BLoC submit method.mp4 28.5 MB
15 BLoCs/250 Summary on the BLoC basics.mp4 8 MB
15 BLoCs/251 Introduction to the email sign-in flow with BLoC.mp4 20.55 MB
15 BLoCs/252 Creating a model class for the EmailSignInForm.mp4 25.41 MB
15 BLoCs/253 Creating the EmailSignInBloc with a StreamController.mp4 17.25 MB
15 BLoCs/254 Updating the model.mp4 56.38 MB
15 BLoCs/255 Adding the BLoC submit method.mp4 49.21 MB
15 BLoCs/256 Setting up the EmailSignInFormBlocBased with Provider.mp4 60.96 MB
15 BLoCs/257 Refactoring the EmailSignInFormBlocBased widget by removing the state variables.mp4 86.12 MB
15 BLoCs/258 Moving the business logic to the BLoC class.mp4 40.25 MB
15 BLoCs/259 Fixing the EmailSignInBloc submit method.mp4 9.53 MB
15 BLoCs/260 Moving more business logic to the model class.mp4 74.56 MB
15 BLoCs/261 The benefits of separation of concerns with BLoC.mp4 22.19 MB
15 BLoCs/262 Using stateful widgets with TextEditingControllers.mp4 31.07 MB
15 BLoCs/263 Considerations about performance.mp4 20.14 MB
15 BLoCs/264 Blocs and Services in the widget tree.mp4 19.41 MB
16 State Management with Provider/265 Recap on State Management.mp4 13.08 MB
16 State Management with Provider/266 Introduction to ValueNotifier.mp4 19.03 MB
16 State Management with Provider/267 Adding a ValueNotifier with ChangeNotifierProvider.mp4 53.22 MB
16 State Management with Provider/268 Consumer and ChangeNotifierProvider explained.mp4 42.89 MB
16 State Management with Provider/269 Differences between BLoCstreams and ValueNotifierChangeNotifierProvider.mp4 22.38 MB
16 State Management with Provider/270 Introduction to ChangeNotifier.mp4 14.26 MB
16 State Management with Provider/271 Adding the EmailSignInChangeModel class.mp4 47.36 MB
16 State Management with Provider/272 Completing the EmailSignInChangeModel class.mp4 27.46 MB
16 State Management with Provider/273 Implementing the email sign-in form with ChangeNotifier.mp4 63.18 MB
16 State Management with Provider/274 Comparing ValueNotifier and ChangeNotifier.mp4 29.02 MB
16 State Management with Provider/275 Wrap up on State Management.mp4 21.06 MB
16 State Management with Provider/276 Wrap up on the Authentication Flows.mp4 14.29 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/278 Overview of the time tracker app.mp4 19.36 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/279 Database schema and SQL vs NoSQL.mp4 39.76 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/280 Introduction to Cloud Firestore.mp4 22.72 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/281 Documents and Collections.mp4 15.66 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/282 Getting started with Firestore.mp4 24.63 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/283 Designing a Database API with CRUD operations.mp4 26.56 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/284 Managing private user data with Cloud Firestore.mp4 24.9 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/285 Installing Cloud Firestore.mp4 11.03 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/286 Renaming the HomePage to JobsPage.mp4 28.53 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/287 Adding the Database class.mp4 20.83 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/288 Adding the Database Provider.mp4 18.22 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/289 Adding a FloatingActionButton.mp4 25.31 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/290 Writing data to Firestore.mp4 69.65 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/291 Defining a strongly-typed Job model class.mp4 38.19 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/292 Defining a common API path class.mp4 23.77 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/293 Adding a generic setData method.mp4 34.02 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/294 Adding security rules.mp4 39.04 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/295 Handling Firestore permissions errors.mp4 44.82 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/296 Reading data from Firestore.mp4 55.47 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/297 Reading and parsing Firestore data streams.mp4 43.29 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/298 Adding a StreamBuilder to show a list of jobs.mp4 45.35 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/299 Debugging the StreamBuilder code.mp4 52.8 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/300 Firestore as a realtime database.mp4 22 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/301 Adding a factory constructor to our model class.mp4 27.42 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/302 Adding a generic method to read Firestore streams.mp4 35.64 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/303 Adding a FirestoreService class.mp4 52.48 MB
17 Databases and Cloud Firestore/304 Wrap-up on Cloud Firestore.mp4 36.22 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/306 Introduction to Forms with Cloud Firestore.mp4 14.33 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/307 Adding a new job page.mp4 50.68 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/308 The Placeholder widget.mp4 43.6 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/309 Introduction to Form and TextFormField.mp4 36.8 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/310 Validating and saving Form data.mp4 86.72 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/311 Accessing the Database object with the correct BuildContext.mp4 45.51 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/312 Saving jobs with a unique document ID.mp4 52.46 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/313 Handling errors.mp4 18.84 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/314 Enforcing unique job names.mp4 39.12 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/315 Fixing the integer-parsing code.mp4 16.65 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/316 Editing existing jobs overview.mp4 8.51 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/317 Adding a custom JobListTile.mp4 40.67 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/318 Repurposing the AddJobPage for editing jobs.mp4 56.57 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/319 Reading the documentID from Firestore.mp4 30.05 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/320 Completing the code for editing jobs.mp4 49.72 MB
18 Working with Forms and Cloud Firestore/321 Wrap up on working with Forms.mp4 28.54 MB
19 Working with ListViews and multiple UI states/323 Intro and multiple states of UI.mp4 13.06 MB
19 Working with ListViews and multiple UI states/324 Adding an empty content widget.mp4 37.02 MB
19 Working with ListViews and multiple UI states/325 Adding a reusable list items builder.mp4 48.18 MB
19 Working with ListViews and multiple UI states/326 Using ListView.builder.mp4 55.92 MB
19 Working with ListViews and multiple UI states/327 Using ListView.separated.mp4 32.68 MB
19 Working with ListViews and multiple UI states/328 Deleting jobs from Firestore.mp4 31.78 MB
19 Working with ListViews and multiple UI states/329 Adding swipe to delete support.mp4 79.71 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/330 Working with entries overview.mp4 16.62 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/331 Relational data drawbacks of NoSQL databases.mp4 40.42 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/332 Getting ready to add new files.mp4 7.78 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/333 Adding the source files to the project.mp4 32.94 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/334 Connecting the new code and updating the Firestore rules.mp4 32.34 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/335 Fixing the EditJobPage navigation.mp4 38.96 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/336 Overview of the JobEntriesPage.mp4 30.56 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/337 Reading and writing entries with Firestore.mp4 60.42 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/338 The EntryListItem widget (using InkWell and Expanded).mp4 24.85 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/339 Formatting dates and currencies with the Intl package.mp4 27.17 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/340 Dart as UI Spreads and Collection-if.mp4 33.23 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/341 Using date pickers with stateful widgets.mp4 64.14 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/342 Date and time input with a custom UI and DateTimePicker.mp4 47.37 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/343 Updating the UI when a Job changes.mp4 58.58 MB
20 Working with Date Time Pickers more on Cloud Firestore/344 Wrap up and CupertinoDatePicker.mp4 14.77 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/346 Introduction to bottom navigation.mp4 19.2 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/347 Multiple navigation stacks.mp4 12.86 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/348 Creating a HomePage with a selected tab.mp4 36.54 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/349 Adding a CupertinoTabScaffold.mp4 70.29 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/350 Testing the bottom navigation.mp4 28.38 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/351 Adding the widget builders.mp4 51.98 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/352 Replacing the FloatingActionButtons.mp4 50.34 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/353 Moving the logout button to the AccountPage.mp4 25.59 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/354 Presenting modal routes with the root navigator.mp4 37.38 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/355 Using Provider with listen false to minimise rebuilds.mp4 50.33 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/356 The CupertinoPageRoute.mp4 12.72 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/357 Handling the Android back button with WillPopScope and navigator keys.mp4 66.65 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/358 Adding pop-to-root navigation.mp4 20.66 MB
21 Bottom Navigation with the Cupertino widgets/359 Wrap up on multiple navigators.mp4 20.5 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/361 Introduction to advanced stream operations.mp4 22.06 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/362 Introduction to RxDart.mp4 22.95 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/363 Observable.combineLatest and data transformations in the time tracker app.mp4 28.7 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/364 Adding the source code for the new entries page.mp4 19.21 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/365 Reviewing the UI code for the entries page.mp4 50.71 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/366 Using combineLatest in practice.mp4 39.81 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/367 Data manipulation in the EntriesBloc.mp4 51.84 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/368 Wrap up on Observables.mp4 17.61 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/369 Single subscription vs broadcast streams.mp4 20.46 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/370 PublishSubject ReplaySubject BehaviorSubject.mp4 20.05 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/371 Adding a BehaviorSubject to the EmailSignInBloc.mp4 40.46 MB
22 Advanced Stream Operations with RxDart/372 Wrap up and notes about local and remote state management.mp4 13.97 MB
23 Completing the Time Tracker App/374 Completing the time tracker app overview.mp4 6.33 MB
23 Completing the Time Tracker App/375 Accessing the User object in the AccountPage.mp4 37.37 MB
23 Completing the Time Tracker App/376 Adding an Avatar image.mp4 46.92 MB
23 Completing the Time Tracker App/377 Finishing the Avatar code.mp4 34.11 MB
23 Completing the Time Tracker App/378 Fixing a small bug in the entries page.mp4 15.23 MB
23 Completing the Time Tracker App/379 Wrapping up the time tracker app.mp4 4.62 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/380 Introduction to writing tests.mp4 18.7 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/381 Testing Flutter Apps.mp4 19.47 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/382 Writing the first unit test.mp4 25.77 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/383 Running tests.mp4 10.2 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/384 Checking and fixing errors in tests.mp4 10.92 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/385 Testing edge cases by writing and fixing failing tests.mp4 23.14 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/386 Grouping tests together.mp4 28.71 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/387 The setUp method and testing date formatting with locales.mp4 38 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/388 The test lifecycle methods.mp4 13.07 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/389 Completing the formatting tests.mp4 39.53 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/390 Testing model classes.mp4 38.68 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/391 hashCode and the operator.mp4 55.72 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/392 Adding a toString() method wrap up on unit tests.mp4 54.7 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/393 Introduction to widget tests.mp4 39.04 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/394 Finding widgets and matcher arguments.mp4 33.01 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/395 Testing widget callbacks.mp4 29.34 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/396 Working with Acceptance Criteria.mp4 12 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/397 Introduction to test mocks and mockito.mp4 18.23 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/398 Injecting mock objects with Provider.mp4 51.24 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/399 Verifying mock methods.mp4 48.67 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/400 Working with keys entering text and the pump() method.mp4 81.05 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/401 Testing widget updates on state changes.mp4 38.16 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/402 Completing the email sign-in tests.mp4 28.5 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/403 Replacing Navigator.pop with a callback when the user signs in.mp4 32.72 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/404 Updating the tests to handle the form callback.mp4 31.61 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/405 Stubbing mock objects.mp4 62.47 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/406 Recap on the email sign in forms and stubbing mocks.mp4 32.07 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/407 Using widget tests with StreamBuilder.mp4 45.77 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/408 Using StreamController inside tests.mp4 87.36 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/409 Test setup for the SignInPage.mp4 46.01 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/410 Adding keys to custom widget classes.mp4 36.59 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/411 Testing navigation.mp4 61.97 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/412 The great thing about widget tests.mp4 12.66 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/413 Testing ValueNotifier models.mp4 75.15 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/414 Testing ChangeNotifier models.mp4 37.54 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/415 Testing BloCs.mp4 29.51 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/416 Comparing EmailSignInModel objects.mp4 13.29 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/417 Testing streams in Blocs.mp4 76.28 MB
24 Unit Widget Tests with Mockito/418 Wrap up on unit widget tests.mp4 10.64 MB
25 Conclusion and Next Steps/420 Conclusion and Next Steps.mp4 33.97 MB