[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Data Structures & Algorithms Essentials (2022)
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:604c26bbda3065e4780a9835b6fb5d51d8c21544&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Data Structures & Algorithms Essentials (2022)
15.75 GB
2022-7-11 16:18
2024-12-3 19:06
1. Introduction/1. Course Orientation!.mp4 115.27 MB
1. Introduction/2. Get maximum out of this course.mp4 69.53 MB
10. Divide & Conquer/1. Merge Sort.mp4 49.59 MB
10. Divide & Conquer/2. Merge Sort Code.mp4 91.31 MB
10. Divide & Conquer/3. Quick Sort.mp4 109.51 MB
10. Divide & Conquer/4. Quick Sort Code.mp4 32.99 MB
10. Divide & Conquer/6. Rotate Array Search.mp4 88.37 MB
10. Divide & Conquer/7. Rotated Search Code.mp4 35.48 MB
11. Backtracking/1. Backtracking Introduction.mp4 42.38 MB
11. Backtracking/10. N-Queen All Ways.mp4 158.36 MB
11. Backtracking/11. Grid Ways.mp4 115.04 MB
11. Backtracking/12. Grid Ways - Math Trick!.mp4 38.21 MB
11. Backtracking/13. Sudoku.mp4 104.32 MB
11. Backtracking/14. Sudoku Code.mp4 130.47 MB
11. Backtracking/2. Backtracking on Arrays Code.mp4 85.57 MB
11. Backtracking/3. Bactracking on Vectors Code.mp4 44.51 MB
11. Backtracking/4. Finding Subsets.mp4 129.52 MB
11. Backtracking/5. Finding Subsets Code.mp4 81.25 MB
11. Backtracking/6. Ordering Subsets.mp4 68.45 MB
11. Backtracking/7. Permutations.mp4 98.46 MB
11. Backtracking/8. N-Queen Problem.mp4 122.42 MB
11. Backtracking/9. N-Queen Code.mp4 123.76 MB
12. Space & Time Complexity Analysis/1. Space Time Complexity Introduction.mp4 97.69 MB
12. Space & Time Complexity Analysis/2. Experimental Analysis.mp4 125.64 MB
12. Space & Time Complexity Analysis/3. Big O Notation.mp4 51.55 MB
12. Space & Time Complexity Analysis/4. Nested Loops.mp4 27.03 MB
12. Space & Time Complexity Analysis/5. Loops Example.mp4 30.14 MB
12. Space & Time Complexity Analysis/6. Analysis of Bubble Sort.mp4 40.89 MB
12. Space & Time Complexity Analysis/7. Analysis of Binary Search.mp4 85.6 MB
12. Space & Time Complexity Analysis/8. Merge Sort Analysis.mp4 66.89 MB
12. Space & Time Complexity Analysis/9. Time Complexity For Recursive Problems.mp4 96.32 MB
13. Object Oriented Programming/1. Introduction to OOPS.mp4 82.32 MB
13. Object Oriented Programming/2. OOPS - Classes & Objects.mp4 70.95 MB
13. Object Oriented Programming/3. Code Demo.mp4 60.6 MB
13. Object Oriented Programming/4. Getters & Setters.mp4 62.72 MB
13. Object Oriented Programming/5. Constructor Object Initialiastion.mp4 76.45 MB
13. Object Oriented Programming/6. Copy Constructor.mp4 110.96 MB
13. Object Oriented Programming/7. Shallow & Deep Copy.mp4 133.11 MB
13. Object Oriented Programming/8. Copy Assignment Operator.mp4 68.4 MB
13. Object Oriented Programming/9. Destructor.mp4 51.77 MB
14. Linked List/1. Linked List Introduction.mp4 79.38 MB
14. Linked List/11. Reverse a Linked List.mp4 47.77 MB
14. Linked List/12. Reverse a Linked List Code.mp4 31.26 MB
14. Linked List/2. Push Front.mp4 73.35 MB
14. Linked List/3. Push Back.mp4 22.09 MB
14. Linked List/4. Print.mp4 68.75 MB
14. Linked List/5. Insert.mp4 43.05 MB
14. Linked List/6. Search.mp4 30.03 MB
14. Linked List/7. Recursive Search.mp4 37.03 MB
14. Linked List/8. Deletion.mp4 56.02 MB
14. Linked List/9. Pop Front.mp4 60.1 MB
15. Stacks/1. Stack Data Structure.mp4 52.95 MB
15. Stacks/10. Stock Span Solution.mp4 65.79 MB
15. Stacks/2. Stack Implementations.mp4 46.46 MB
15. Stacks/3. Stack using Linked List.mp4 63.85 MB
15. Stacks/4. Stack using Vector.mp4 33.05 MB
15. Stacks/5. Stack STL.mp4 34.08 MB
15. Stacks/6. Stack Insert At Bottom Challenge!.mp4 79.29 MB
15. Stacks/7. Recursively Reverse a Stack.mp4 58.82 MB
16. Queues/1. Queue Introduction.mp4 53.85 MB
16. Queues/2. Queue Implementation.mp4 60.26 MB
16. Queues/3. Queue using Circular Array.mp4 95.45 MB
16. Queues/4. Queue STL.mp4 15.71 MB
16. Queues/5. Stack using 2 Queues.mp4 46.07 MB
16. Queues/6. Stack using 2 Queues Code.mp4 56.72 MB
17. Binary Tree/1. Binary Tree Introduction.mp4 71.22 MB
17. Binary Tree/10. Height of Tree.mp4 40.02 MB
17. Binary Tree/13. Tree Diameter.mp4 111.92 MB
17. Binary Tree/14. Diameter Code-I.mp4 33.09 MB
17. Binary Tree/15. Diameter Code-II.mp4 106.58 MB
17. Binary Tree/2. Build Tree Preorder.mp4 87.83 MB
17. Binary Tree/3. Preorder Traversal.mp4 80.19 MB
17. Binary Tree/4. Inorder Traversal.mp4 38.01 MB
17. Binary Tree/5. Postorder Traversal.mp4 53.54 MB
17. Binary Tree/6. Level Order Print.mp4 105.27 MB
17. Binary Tree/7. Level Order Print Code.mp4 41.49 MB
17. Binary Tree/8. Level Order Build.mp4 66.21 MB
17. Binary Tree/9. Level Order Build Code.mp4 26.08 MB
18. Binary Search Tree/1. BST Introduction.mp4 79.74 MB
18. Binary Search Tree/2. BST Creation.mp4 45.22 MB
18. Binary Search Tree/4. Searching.mp4 51.3 MB
18. Binary Search Tree/5. Deletion Concept.mp4 66.2 MB
18. Binary Search Tree/6. Deletion Code.mp4 70.21 MB
18. Binary Search Tree/7. Challenge - Print in Range.mp4 54.84 MB
18. Binary Search Tree/8. Root To Leaf Paths.mp4 71.93 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/1. Introduction to Heap.mp4 84.3 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/10. Priority Queue STL.mp4 62.55 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/11. Nearby Cars.mp4 57.32 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/12. Nearby Cars Code.mp4 73.91 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/2. Heap vs other Data Structure.mp4 67.98 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/3. Heaps as CBT.mp4 57.94 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/4. Heaps as Array.mp4 89.61 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/5. Insertion.mp4 76.07 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/6. Insertion Code.mp4 92.36 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/7. Remove Min Max.mp4 85.84 MB
19. Heaps Priority Queue/8. Remove Min Max Code.mp4 93.04 MB
2. Arrays/1. Array Introduction.mp4 109.2 MB
2. Arrays/10. Printing Subarrays.mp4 76.35 MB
2. Arrays/11. Subarray Sum - I (Brute Force).mp4 63.81 MB
2. Arrays/12. Subarray Sum - II (Prefix Sums).mp4 109.26 MB
2. Arrays/13. Subarray Sum - III (Kadane's Algorithm).mp4 90.18 MB
2. Arrays/15. Vectors Introduction.mp4 49.73 MB
2. Arrays/16. Vectors (Demo).mp4 68.86 MB
2. Arrays/2. Arrays - Input, Ouput, Update.mp4 73.26 MB
2. Arrays/3. Arrays & Functions - Pass by Reference.mp4 103.34 MB
2. Arrays/5. Linear Search.mp4 79.31 MB
2. Arrays/6. Binary Search.mp4 116.78 MB
2. Arrays/7. Binary Search Code.mp4 95.36 MB
2. Arrays/8. Array Reverse.mp4 66.37 MB
2. Arrays/9. Printing Pairs.mp4 77.33 MB
20. Hashing/1. Introduction to Hashing.mp4 105.91 MB
20. Hashing/10. Hashing Code - VI (Operator [] Overloading).mp4 132.61 MB
20. Hashing/2. Hash Functions.mp4 103.4 MB
20. Hashing/3. Collision Handling.mp4 166.75 MB
20. Hashing/4. Hashing Code - I (Setup).mp4 58.81 MB
20. Hashing/5. Hashing Code - II (Insertion).mp4 78 MB
20. Hashing/6. Hashing Code - III (Rehashing).mp4 110.57 MB
20. Hashing/7. Testing our Hashtable.mp4 48.55 MB
20. Hashing/8. Hashing Code - IV (Search).mp4 46.74 MB
20. Hashing/9. Hashing Code - V (Erase).mp4 24.61 MB
21. Trie Data Structure/1. Trie Data Structure.mp4 161.22 MB
21. Trie Data Structure/2. Trie Class.mp4 41.45 MB
21. Trie Data Structure/3. Trie Insertion.mp4 36.51 MB
21. Trie Data Structure/4. Trie Searching.mp4 22.62 MB
21. Trie Data Structure/5. Trie Queries.mp4 46.34 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/1. Graphs Introduction.mp4 140.65 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/10. Kahn's Algorithm (Modified BFS).mp4 48.13 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/11. Topological Ordering using BFS Code.mp4 32.04 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/12. Dijkshtra's Algorithm.mp4 96.14 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/13. Dijkshtra's Algorithm Code.mp4 117.13 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/2. Graph Applications.mp4 117.7 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/3. Adjacency List Representation.mp4 48.85 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/4. Adjacency List Representation with Node Class.mp4 66.36 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/5. BFS.mp4 61.24 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/6. BFS Code.mp4 67.94 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/7. DFS.mp4 36.06 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/8. DFS Code.mp4 39.59 MB
22. Graphs Introduction/9. Topological Ordering.mp4 49.15 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/1. Dynamic Programming Basics.mp4 195.45 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/10. Wines - III.mp4 38.95 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/11. Wines - IV.mp4 44.26 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/2. Coin Change.mp4 128.43 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/3. Coin Change Code.mp4 32.12 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/4. Longest Common Subsequence (LCS).mp4 23.67 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/5. Longest Common Subsequence Code.mp4 12.27 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/6. Knapsack Problem.mp4 52.79 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/7. Knapsack Problem Code.mp4 52.24 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/8. Wines Problem.mp4 26.35 MB
23. Dynamic Programming Introduction/9. Wines Problem - II.mp4 33.01 MB
24. Project - Shopping Cart Backend/1. Shopping Cart Introduction.mp4 66.98 MB
24. Project - Shopping Cart Backend/2. Shopping Cart Demo.mp4 59.47 MB
24. Project - Shopping Cart Backend/3. Product Class.mp4 30.78 MB
24. Project - Shopping Cart Backend/4. Item Class.mp4 52.36 MB
24. Project - Shopping Cart Backend/5. Choosing Products.mp4 66.24 MB
24. Project - Shopping Cart Backend/6. Cart Implementation.mp4 129.06 MB
24. Project - Shopping Cart Backend/7. Checkout.mp4 52.91 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/1. Sorting Introduction.mp4 26.86 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/10. Counting Sort.mp4 62.27 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/11. Counting Sort Code.mp4 68.19 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/2. Bubble Sort.mp4 105.27 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/3. Bubble Sort Code.mp4 45.07 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/5. Insertion Sort.mp4 50.95 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/6. Insertion Sort Code.mp4 39.87 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/7. Selection Sort.mp4 29.03 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/8. Selection Sort Code.mp4 45.66 MB
3. Basic Sorting Algorithms/9. Inbuilt Sort & Comparators.mp4 123.9 MB
4. Character ArraysStrings/1. Character Arrays Introduction.mp4 84.49 MB
4. Character ArraysStrings/10. String Class.mp4 77.15 MB
4. Character ArraysStrings/12. Run Length Encoding.mp4 43.85 MB
4. Character ArraysStrings/2. Using cin.get().mp4 154.55 MB
4. Character ArraysStrings/3. Digits & Spaces.mp4 34.05 MB
4. Character ArraysStrings/4. Using cin.getline().mp4 68.02 MB
4. Character ArraysStrings/5. Shortest Path.mp4 86.12 MB
4. Character ArraysStrings/6. String Copy, Compare, Concat!.mp4 58.75 MB
4. Character ArraysStrings/7. Solution Largest String.mp4 97.05 MB
5. 2D Arrays/1. Introduction to 2D Arrays.mp4 79.4 MB
5. 2D Arrays/2. 2D Array Basics.mp4 86.29 MB
5. 2D Arrays/3. 2D Character Arrays.mp4 48.34 MB
5. 2D Arrays/4. Spiral Print.mp4 148.27 MB
5. 2D Arrays/6. Sorted Array Search.mp4 60.27 MB
5. 2D Arrays/7. Sorted Array Search Code.mp4 34.25 MB
5. 2D Arrays/8. Mango Trees.mp4 156.37 MB
6. Pointers & Dynamic Memory/1. Address of Operator.mp4 61.67 MB
6. Pointers & Dynamic Memory/2. Pointers.mp4 75 MB
6. Pointers & Dynamic Memory/3. Dereference Operator.mp4 47.87 MB
6. Pointers & Dynamic Memory/4. Reference Variables.mp4 53.51 MB
6. Pointers & Dynamic Memory/5. Pass by Reference - Reference Variable.mp4 72.29 MB
6. Pointers & Dynamic Memory/6. Pass by Reference - Pointers.mp4 60.72 MB
6. Pointers & Dynamic Memory/7. Dynamic Memory Allocation.mp4 114.46 MB
6. Pointers & Dynamic Memory/8. Using New & Delete.mp4 50.61 MB
6. Pointers & Dynamic Memory/9. 2D Dynamic Array.mp4 77.86 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/1. Vector.mp4 77.97 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/10. Sorting a Complex Vector!.mp4 48.44 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/2. Vectors - How they grow.mp4 72 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/3. Using Vector Container.mp4 68.76 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/4. 2D Vector using STL.mp4 35.14 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/5. Vector Class - I.mp4 71.3 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/6. Vector Class - II.mp4 70.64 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/7. Vector Class - III.mp4 101.1 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/8. Header Files & Template Classes.mp4 70.76 MB
7. Vector Data Structure/9. Inbuilt Searching.mp4 89.26 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/1. Bitwise Operators.mp4 110.63 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/10. Replace Bits.mp4 61.74 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/11. Two Power.mp4 36.67 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/12. Count Bits.mp4 47.59 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/13. Count Bits - Hack.mp4 37.08 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/14. Fast Exponentiation.mp4 88.96 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/15. Make it Binary!.mp4 43.76 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/2. Left Shift & Right Shift.mp4 42.72 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/3. Odd Even.mp4 32.96 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/4. Get ith Bit.mp4 47.64 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/5. Clear ith Bit.mp4 35.66 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/6. Set ith Bit.mp4 29.68 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/7. Update ith Bit.mp4 61.06 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/8. Clear Last i Bits.mp4 52.07 MB
8. Bit Manipulation/9. Clear Range of Bits.mp4 71.52 MB
9. Recursion Basics/1. Recursion Introduction.mp4 115.65 MB
9. Recursion Basics/12. Power Function.mp4 44.48 MB
9. Recursion Basics/13. Power Function Optimised.mp4 56.22 MB
9. Recursion Basics/14. Bubble Sort.mp4 103.07 MB
9. Recursion Basics/15. Number Spell.mp4 65.91 MB
9. Recursion Basics/2. Factorial.mp4 92.56 MB
9. Recursion Basics/3. Fibonacci Series.mp4 133.2 MB
9. Recursion Basics/4. Sorted Array Check!.mp4 110.98 MB
9. Recursion Basics/5. Understanding Recursion Directions.mp4 83.73 MB
9. Recursion Basics/6. First Occurence.mp4 44.22 MB
9. Recursion Basics/7. First Occurence Code.mp4 62.02 MB
9. Recursion Basics/8. Last Occurence.mp4 43.37 MB
9. Recursion Basics/9. Last Occurence Code.mp4 33.99 MB