Learn and Understand NodeJS
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2.38 GB
2016-9-4 11:03
2025-3-3 20:11
1 - Introduction and Setup/01.Introduction and the Goal of this Course.mp4 15.94 MB
1 - Introduction and Setup/02.Big Words and NodeJS.mp4 10.92 MB
1 - Introduction and Setup/03.Conceptual Aside - The Command Line Interface.mp4 30.33 MB
10 - Javascript, JSON, and Databases/76.Conceptual Aside - Relational Databases and SQL.mp4 23.2 MB
10 - Javascript, JSON, and Databases/77.Node and MySQL.mp4 25.55 MB
10 - Javascript, JSON, and Databases/78.Conceptual Aside - NoSQL and Documents.mp4 19.02 MB
10 - Javascript, JSON, and Databases/79.MongoDB and Mongoose.mp4 36.46 MB
10 - Javascript, JSON, and Databases/80.Web Server Checklist.mp4 4.29 MB
11 - The MEAN stack/81.MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and NodeJS.mp4 40.05 MB
11 - The MEAN stack/82.AngularJS - Managing the Client.mp4 34.58 MB
11 - The MEAN stack/83.AngularJS - Managing the Client (Part 2).mp4 21.02 MB
11 - The MEAN stack/84.AngularJS - Managing the Client (Part 3).mp4 34.32 MB
11 - The MEAN stack/85.Conceptual Aside - Angular 1, Angular 2, React, and more….mp4 14.39 MB
11 - The MEAN stack/86.Working with The Full Stack (and being a Full Stack Developer) - Part 1.mp4 32.05 MB
12 - Let's Build an App! (in record time)/87.NodeTodo - Software Requirements.mp4 14.7 MB
12 - Let's Build an App! (in record time)/88.Initial Setup.mp4 9.95 MB
12 - Let's Build an App! (in record time)/89.Setting up Mongo and Mongoose.mp4 17.65 MB
12 - Let's Build an App! (in record time)/90.Adding Seed Data.mp4 30.82 MB
12 - Let's Build an App! (in record time)/91.Creating our API.mp4 33.75 MB
12 - Let's Build an App! (in record time)/92.Testing our API.mp4 40.78 MB
2 - V8 - The Javascript Engine/04.Conceptual Aside - Processors, Machine Language, and C++.mp4 42.03 MB
2 - V8 - The Javascript Engine/05.Javascript Aside - Javascript Engines and The ECMAScript Specification.mp4 25.02 MB
2 - V8 - The Javascript Engine/06.V8 Under the Hood.mp4 25.64 MB
2 - V8 - The Javascript Engine/07.Adding Features to Javascript.mp4 53.4 MB
3 - The Node Core/08.Conceptual Aside - Servers and Clients.mp4 32.63 MB
3 - The Node Core/09.What Does Javascript Need to Manage a Server.mp4 12.77 MB
3 - The Node Core/10.The C++ Core.mp4 17.89 MB
3 - The Node Core/11.The Javascript Core.mp4 14.36 MB
3 - The Node Core/12.Let's Install and Run Some Javascript in Node.mp4 39.5 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/13.Conceptual Aside - Modules.mp4 18.22 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/14.Javascript Aside - First-Class Functions and Function Expressions.mp4 37.25 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/15.Let's Build a Module.mp4 17.82 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/16.Javascript Aside - Objects and Object Literals.mp4 26.29 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/17.Javascript Aside - Prototypal Inheritance and Function Constructors.mp4 42.04 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/18.Javascript Aside - By Reference and By Value.mp4 15.99 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/19.Javascript Aside - Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs).mp4 14.92 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/20.How Do Node Modules Really Work - module.exports and require.mp4 40.07 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/21.Javascript Aside - JSON.mp4 7.61 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/22.More on require.mp4 17.34 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/23.Module Patterns.mp4 41.32 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/24.exports vs module.exports.mp4 27.49 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/25.Requiring Native (Core) Modules.mp4 15.43 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/26.Modules and ES6.mp4 6.79 MB
4 - Modules, Exports, and Require/27.Web Server Checklist.mp4 7.95 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/28.Conceptual Aside - Events.mp4 27.05 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/29.Javascript Aside - Object Properties, First Class Functions, and Arrays.mp4 11.96 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/30.The Node Event Emitter - Part 1.mp4 35.07 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/31.The Node Event Emitter - Part 2.mp4 43.33 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/32.Javascript Aside - Object.create and Prototypes.mp4 22.85 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/33.Inheriting From the Event Emitter.mp4 48.58 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/34.Javascript Aside - Node, ES6, and Template Literals.mp4 27.8 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/35.Javascript Aside - .call and .apply.mp4 7.48 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/36.Inheriting From the Event Emitter - Part 2.mp4 23.42 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/37.Javascript Aside - ES6 Classes.mp4 23.53 MB
5 - Events and the Event Emitter/38.Inheriting From the Event Emitter - Part 3.mp4 14.64 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/39.Javascript Aside - Javascript is Synchronous.mp4 20.06 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/40.Conceptual Aside - Callbacks.mp4 10.66 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/41.libuv, The Event Loop, and Non-Blocking Asynchronous Execution.mp4 51.59 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/42.Conceptual Aside - Streams and Buffers.mp4 26.49 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/43.Conceptual Aside - Binary Data, Character Sets, and Encodings.mp4 47.54 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/44.Buffers.mp4 16.36 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/45.ES6 Typed Arrays.mp4 13.11 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/46.Javascript Aside - Callbacks.mp4 11.01 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/47.Files and fs.mp4 35.1 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/48.Streams.mp4 70.84 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/49.Conceptual Aside - Pipes.mp4 12.41 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/50.Pipes.mp4 42.11 MB
6 - Asynchronous Code, libuv, The Event Loop, Streams, Files, and more…/51.Web Server Checklist.mp4 14.51 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/52.Conceptual Aside - TCP_IP.mp4 38.54 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/53.Conceptual Aside - Addresses and Ports.mp4 16.64 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/54.Conceptual Aside - HTTP.mp4 36.62 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/55.http_parser.mp4 36.24 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/56.Let's Build a Web Server in Node.mp4 36.11 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/57.Outputting HTML and Templates.mp4 26.32 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/58.Streams and Performance.mp4 10.23 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/59.Conceptual Aside - APIs and Endpoints.mp4 17.62 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/60.Outputting JSON.mp4 17.92 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/61.Routing.mp4 26.36 MB
7 - HTTP and being a Web Server/62.Web Server Checklist.mp4 13.26 MB
8 - NPM - the Node Package Manager/63.Conceptual Aside - Packages and Package Managers.mp4 23.54 MB
8 - NPM - the Node Package Manager/64.Conceptual Aside - Semantic Versioning (semver).mp4 34.57 MB
8 - NPM - the Node Package Manager/65.npm and the npm registry - Other People's Code.mp4 14.75 MB
8 - NPM - the Node Package Manager/66.init, nodemon, and package.json.mp4 29.83 MB
8 - NPM - the Node Package Manager/67.init, nodemon, and package.json - Part 2.mp4 33.21 MB
8 - NPM - the Node Package Manager/68.Using Other People's Code.mp4 9.17 MB
9 - Express/69.Installing Express and Making it Easier to Build a Web Server.mp4 45.45 MB
9 - Express/70.Routes.mp4 15.3 MB
9 - Express/71.Static Files and Middleware.mp4 50.17 MB
9 - Express/72.Templates and Template Engines.mp4 35.42 MB
9 - Express/73.Querystring and Post Parameters.mp4 60.96 MB
9 - Express/74.RESTful APIs and JSON.mp4 19.43 MB
9 - Express/75.Structuring an App.mp4 43.53 MB