[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Complete C# Programming Course - Beginner to Expert
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0f72813412acf09b09c15911bc20b327083f0f55&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Complete C# Programming Course - Beginner to Expert
10.93 GB
2021-12-5 11:38
2024-12-3 16:57
1. Introduction/1. Course Introduction.mp4 86.32 MB
1. Introduction/2. Who is your Instructor.mp4 76.78 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/1. Section Introduction.mp4 20.96 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/10. IEqualityComparer interface.mp4 10.06 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/11. IEnumerable interface.mp4 27.41 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/12. IEnumerator interface.mp4 12.85 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/13. ICollection interface.mp4 10.7 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/14. What is an abstract class.mp4 7.8 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/15. Creating an abstract class.mp4 5.04 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/16. Abstract Methods.mp4 7.07 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/17. Virtual Methods.mp4 15.18 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/18. Abstract vs. Virtual Methods.mp4 8.87 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/19. Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes.mp4 13.39 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/2. What is an interface.mp4 8.94 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/21. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 30.02 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/22. Section Summary.mp4 36.41 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/3. Creating an interface.mp4 7.46 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/4. Implementing an interface.mp4 11.12 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/5. Interface pros and cons.mp4 12.38 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/6. INotifyPropertyChanged Interface.mp4 11.04 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/7. IComparable Interface.mp4 12.57 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/8. IComparer interface.mp4 11.54 MB
10. Interfaces and Abstract Classes/9. IEquatable interface.mp4 9.51 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/1. Section Introduction.mp4 12.38 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/10. Sorted Lists.mp4 34.4 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/11. Sorted Dictionaries.mp4 19.73 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/12. Sorted Sets.mp4 53.96 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/13. Tuples.mp4 18.55 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/14. Linked Lists.mp4 45.87 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/15. Trees.mp4 88.9 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/16. Graphs.mp4 65.88 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/18. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 24.25 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/19. Section Summary.mp4 105.91 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/2. Arrays.mp4 52.62 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/3. Lists.mp4 77.32 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/4. Stacks.mp4 64.62 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/5. Queues.mp4 12.19 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/6. Structs.mp4 10.3 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/7. Enums.mp4 21.63 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/8. Dictionaries.mp4 39.19 MB
11. Data Structures and Collections/9. HashSets.mp4 22.06 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/1. Section Introduction.mp4 12 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/10. Quiz answers with explanations.mp4 16.25 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/11. Section Summary.mp4 105.19 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/2. Preprocessor Directives.mp4 14.04 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/3. Delegates.mp4 25.63 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/4. Events.mp4 22.65 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/5. Actions.mp4 15.21 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/6. What is Recursion.mp4 16.99 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/7. Fibonacci Sequence.mp4 32.06 MB
12. Advanced C# Coding/8. Towers of Hanoi.mp4 11.46 MB
13. REGEX - Regular Expressions/1. Section Introduction.mp4 11.64 MB
13. REGEX - Regular Expressions/2. What is REGEX.mp4 7.5 MB
13. REGEX - Regular Expressions/3. Basic Regular Expressions.mp4 10.49 MB
13. REGEX - Regular Expressions/4. Operators and Syntax.mp4 28.62 MB
13. REGEX - Regular Expressions/5. Working with Regular Expressions in C#.mp4 17.23 MB
13. REGEX - Regular Expressions/7. Quiz answers with explanations.mp4 12.1 MB
13. REGEX - Regular Expressions/8. Section Summary.mp4 18.66 MB
14. C# Namespaces/1. Section Introduction.mp4 12.21 MB
14. C# Namespaces/10. Section Summary.mp4 19.63 MB
14. C# Namespaces/2. What is a namespace.mp4 10.36 MB
14. C# Namespaces/3. Creating a namespace.mp4 6.8 MB
14. C# Namespaces/4. Aliases.mp4 7.77 MB
14. C# Namespaces/5. . operator.mp4 6.82 MB
14. C# Namespaces/6. operator.mp4 5.67 MB
14. C# Namespaces/7. C# System namespace.mp4 9.34 MB
14. C# Namespaces/9. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 17.59 MB
15. Documenting Your Code/1. Section Introduction.mp4 18.33 MB
15. Documenting Your Code/2. XML Documentation Comments for C#.mp4 11.68 MB
15. Documenting Your Code/3. XML Tags you can use in C# comments.mp4 29.46 MB
15. Documenting Your Code/5. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 8.27 MB
15. Documenting Your Code/6. Section Summary.mp4 39.27 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/1. Section Introduction.mp4 18.02 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/10. Tree Traversal.mp4 50.26 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/11. What is Sorting.mp4 6.3 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/12. C# Built-In Sort Method.mp4 8.27 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/13. Selection Sort.mp4 12.75 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/14. Bubble Sort.mp4 11.98 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/15. Quick Sort.mp4 18.1 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/16. Merge Sort.mp4 33.6 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/17. Insertion Sort.mp4 7.96 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/18. Radix Sort.mp4 13.08 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/19. Heap Sort.mp4 25.79 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/2. What is Searching.mp4 8.52 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/20. Shell Sort.mp4 12.28 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/22. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 55.69 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/23. Section Summary.mp4 77.02 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/3. Linear Search.mp4 12.04 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/4. Binary Search.mp4 17.29 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/5. C# Built-In Binary Search Method.mp4 9.49 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/6. Interpolation Search.mp4 17.79 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/7. Hashing.mp4 7.19 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/8. Depth First Traversal (Trees and Graphs).mp4 25.42 MB
16. Searching and Sorting/9. Breadth First Traversal (Trees and Graphs).mp4 23.72 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/1. Section Introduction.mp4 12.59 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/10. Partial Classes.mp4 10.52 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/11. Indexers.mp4 20.51 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/13. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 21.4 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/14. Section Summary.mp4 57.22 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/2. What is Object Oriented Programming.mp4 19.45 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/3. 4 Pillars of Object Oriented Programming.mp4 12.35 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/4. Classes and Objects.mp4 12.82 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/5. Encapsulation.mp4 13.65 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/6. Abstraction.mp4 7.62 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/7. Inheritance.mp4 23.44 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/8. Polymorphism.mp4 14.47 MB
17. Object Oriented Programming/9. Covariance.mp4 10.14 MB
18. C# Generics/1. Section Introduction.mp4 10.95 MB
18. C# Generics/2. What is a generic.mp4 10.56 MB
18. C# Generics/3. Generic Type Parameters.mp4 5.25 MB
18. C# Generics/4. Constraints on Type Parameters.mp4 13.35 MB
18. C# Generics/5. Generic Classes and Interfaces.mp4 10.83 MB
18. C# Generics/6. Generic Methods.mp4 12.65 MB
18. C# Generics/8. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 11.14 MB
18. C# Generics/9. Section Summary.mp4 13.33 MB
19. .NET Framework/1. Section Introduction.mp4 13.56 MB
19. .NET Framework/2. What is .NET.mp4 9.8 MB
19. .NET Framework/3. CLR – Common Language Runtime.mp4 16.99 MB
19. .NET Framework/4. Standard Class Libraries.mp4 14.16 MB
19. .NET Framework/5. .NET framework Design Principles.mp4 8 MB
19. .NET Framework/7. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 16.84 MB
19. .NET Framework/8. Section Summary.mp4 31.14 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/1. Section Introduction.mp4 32.41 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/10. Tips for becoming the best C# programmer you can be.mp4 13.56 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/11. Section Summary.mp4 80.95 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/2. What is Computer Science.mp4 22.85 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/3. What is Computer Programming.mp4 13.4 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/4. 5 Generations of Programming Languages.mp4 13.86 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/5. What is C# and why should you use it.mp4 18.98 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/6. What happens under the hood of the computer.mp4 11.63 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/7. The Heap and the Stack.mp4 12.07 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/8. 5 Steps to Programming Systems and Applications.mp4 17 MB
2. Fundamentals of Computer Science/9. How to get the most out of this course.mp4 23.02 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 18.61 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/10. Compound Assignment.mp4 19.51 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/11. Operator Precedence.mp4 6.42 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/12. Overloading Operators.mp4 6.35 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/14. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 10.35 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/15. Section Summary.mp4 15.8 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/2. What is bit shifting.mp4 7.46 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/3. Bitwise Math by Hand.mp4 10.31 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/4. Bitwise Compliment Operator (~).mp4 14.61 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/5. Left-Shift Operator ().mp4 9.78 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/6. Right-Shift Operator ().mp4 10.27 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/7. And Operator (&).mp4 6.73 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/8. XOR Operator (^).mp4 6.48 MB
20. Bitwise Operations in C#/9. Logical Or Operator ( ).mp4 6.53 MB
21. Threading in C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 16.86 MB
21. Threading in C#/10. Concurrent Collections.mp4 17.92 MB
21. Threading in C#/12. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 12.06 MB
21. Threading in C#/13. Section Summary.mp4 16.36 MB
21. Threading in C#/2. What is threading.mp4 9.29 MB
21. Threading in C#/3. Creating and Starting Threads.mp4 18 MB
21. Threading in C#/4. Foreground and Background Threads.mp4 5.56 MB
21. Threading in C#/5. Thread Priority.mp4 8.69 MB
21. Threading in C#/6. Thread Pooling.mp4 15.39 MB
21. Threading in C#/7. Synchronization, Blocking, and Locking.mp4 34.07 MB
21. Threading in C#/8. Thread Safety.mp4 7.56 MB
21. Threading in C#/9. Parallel Programming.mp4 12.57 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/1. Section Introduction.mp4 19.71 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/10. All, Any, and Contains.mp4 12.42 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/11. Skip and Take.mp4 12.92 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/12. Join and GroupJoin.mp4 37.75 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/13. SequenceEqual.mp4 20.62 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/14. First, Last, Single, and ElementAt.mp4 15.85 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/15. Concat.mp4 10.17 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/16. Aggregate and Count.mp4 12.02 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/18. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 9.84 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/19. Section Summary.mp4 12.8 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/2. What is LINQ.mp4 7.6 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/3. Write your first LINQ query!.mp4 13.72 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/4. Cast.mp4 8.53 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/5. Select and Select Many.mp4 30.12 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/6. OfType and Where.mp4 21.56 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/7. OrderBy, ThenBy, and Reverse.mp4 34.85 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/8. GroupBy and IGroupingT.mp4 16.92 MB
22. LINQ - Language Integrated Query/9. Distinct, Except, Intersect, and Union.mp4 22.37 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/1. Section Introduction.mp4 18.74 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/10. Reviewing File Changes.mp4 7.79 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/11. Cherrypicking Changes.mp4 11.95 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/12. Merging Code and Fixing Merge Conflicts.mp4 13.13 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/13. Pull Requests (PRs) and Code Reviews.mp4 12.98 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/15. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 16.29 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/16. Section Summary.mp4 20.62 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/2. Create a GitHub Account (free).mp4 8.64 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/3. Download and Install SourceTree (free, Mac and Windows).mp4 7.71 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/4. Version Control Workflow.mp4 13.11 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/5. SourceTree Interface Navigation.mp4 6.78 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/6. Link GitHub and SourceTree together.mp4 7.34 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/7. Creating a Code Repository.mp4 11.03 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/8. Basics - Stage, Commit, Push, Pull, Fetch.mp4 22.97 MB
23. Version Control - GitHub and SourceTree/9. Branches - Creating and Checking Out Branches.mp4 7.95 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/1. Section Introduction.mp4 21.57 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/10. Overload Method Not Compatible.mp4 12.4 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/11. Operator ____ Cannot Be Applied to Operands of Type ____.mp4 15.76 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/12. Cannot Implicitly Convert Type ____ to ____.mp4 14.52 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/13. The Name ____ Does Not Exist in the Current Context.mp4 13.33 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/14. An Object Reference Is Required to Access Non-Static Member ____.mp4 13.41 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/15. Try, Catch, Finally, and Throw.mp4 20.78 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/16. C# Exception Class.mp4 21.28 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/17. Importance of Logging Exceptions.mp4 16.75 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/18. Breakpoints.mp4 41.86 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/19. Unit Tests.mp4 15.67 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/2. What is Debugging.mp4 21.09 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/21. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 12.55 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/22. Section Summary.mp4 107.13 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/3. Types of Errors – Syntax, Runtime, and Logical.mp4 5.78 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/4. Compile Time vs. Runtime Errors.mp4 8.29 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/5. Null Reference Exception.mp4 15.99 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/6. Divide By Zero Exception.mp4 4.23 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/7. Stack Overflow Exception.mp4 8.01 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/8. Index Out of Range.mp4 18.44 MB
24. C# Debugging, Exception Handling, and Unit Tests/9. _____ Expected.mp4 11.75 MB
25. Reflection in C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 11.28 MB
25. Reflection in C#/2. What is Reflection.mp4 7.52 MB
25. Reflection in C#/3. Viewing Type Information.mp4 20.88 MB
25. Reflection in C#/4. Reflection with Generic Types.mp4 20.62 MB
25. Reflection in C#/6. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 7.83 MB
25. Reflection in C#/7. Section Summary.mp4 11.43 MB
26. Refactoring C# Code/1. Section Introduction.mp4 11.07 MB
26. Refactoring C# Code/2. What is refactoring.mp4 23.22 MB
26. Refactoring C# Code/3. Refactoring Using Visual Studio.mp4 23.41 MB
26. Refactoring C# Code/5. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 7.46 MB
26. Refactoring C# Code/6. Section Summary.mp4 12.91 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/1. Section Introduction.mp4 15.59 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/11. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 14.76 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/12. Section Summary.mp4 34.48 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/2. What is an algorithm.mp4 8.05 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/3. Divide and Conquer Algorithms.mp4 6.24 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/4. Greedy Algorithms.mp4 6.87 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/5. Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms.mp4 9.02 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/6. Shortest Path Algorithms.mp4 7.3 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/7. Brute Force Algorithms.mp4 7.71 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/8. Dynamic Programming and Memoization Algorithms.mp4 9.37 MB
27. Types of Algorithms/9. Cycle Detection Algorithms.mp4 7.04 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 15.46 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/10. Union-Find Algorithm (Cycle Detection).mp4 31.61 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/11. Brent's Algorithm (Cycle Detection).mp4 14.35 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/12. Flood Fill Algorithm (Dynamic Programming).mp4 16.4 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/13. Kadone's Algorithm (Dynamic Programming).mp4 20.55 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/15. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 7.69 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/16. Section Summary.mp4 18.69 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/2. N Choose K Algorithms.mp4 14.51 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/3. A Algorithm (Shortest Path).mp4 48.36 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/4. Lee Algorithm (Shortest Path).mp4 38.75 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/5. Dijkstra's Algorithm (Shortest Path).mp4 19.34 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/6. Floyd Warshall Algorithm (Shortest Path).mp4 21.64 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/7. Kruskal's Algorithm (Minimum Spanning Tree).mp4 30.93 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/8. Primm's Algorithm (Minimum Spanning Tree).mp4 20.94 MB
28. Implementing Algorithms in C#/9. Floyd's Tortoise and Hare Algorithm (Cycle Detection).mp4 17.13 MB
29. Optimizing Code/1. Section Introduction.mp4 11.64 MB
29. Optimizing Code/2. What is Code Efficiency.mp4 7.71 MB
29. Optimizing Code/3. Big-O notation.mp4 25.62 MB
29. Optimizing Code/4. Code Optimization Techniques.mp4 54.83 MB
29. Optimizing Code/5. Garbage Collection.mp4 11.99 MB
29. Optimizing Code/6. IDisposable Interface.mp4 7.18 MB
29. Optimizing Code/8. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 15.39 MB
29. Optimizing Code/9. Section Summary.mp4 14.02 MB
3. Setup and Install Visual Studio on your Computer/1. Section Introduction.mp4 14.97 MB
3. Setup and Install Visual Studio on your Computer/2. Downloading and Installing Visual Studio.mp4 9.85 MB
3. Setup and Install Visual Studio on your Computer/3. Creating a C# project in Visual Studio.mp4 6.28 MB
3. Setup and Install Visual Studio on your Computer/4. Visual Studio Program Navigation.mp4 9.66 MB
3. Setup and Install Visual Studio on your Computer/5. Creating a C# file in Visual Studio.mp4 4.18 MB
3. Setup and Install Visual Studio on your Computer/6. Referring to the MSDN C# Documentation.mp4 19.46 MB
3. Setup and Install Visual Studio on your Computer/7. Section Summary.mp4 13.07 MB
30. Design Patterns/1. Section Introduction.mp4 24.79 MB
30. Design Patterns/10. Adapter.mp4 18.45 MB
30. Design Patterns/11. Bridge.mp4 33.33 MB
30. Design Patterns/12. Composite.mp4 29.8 MB
30. Design Patterns/13. Decorator.mp4 28.7 MB
30. Design Patterns/14. Façade.mp4 36.13 MB
30. Design Patterns/15. Flyweight.mp4 40.3 MB
30. Design Patterns/16. Proxy.mp4 27.57 MB
30. Design Patterns/17. What is a behavioral design pattern.mp4 17.94 MB
30. Design Patterns/18. Chain of Responsibility.mp4 35.77 MB
30. Design Patterns/19. Command.mp4 27.1 MB
30. Design Patterns/2. What is a design pattern and who are the Gang of Four.mp4 7.97 MB
30. Design Patterns/20. Interpreter.mp4 34.73 MB
30. Design Patterns/21. Iterator.mp4 27.94 MB
30. Design Patterns/22. Mediator.mp4 27.23 MB
30. Design Patterns/23. Memento.mp4 14.22 MB
30. Design Patterns/24. Observer.mp4 36.29 MB
30. Design Patterns/25. State.mp4 24.33 MB
30. Design Patterns/26. Strategy.mp4 32.82 MB
30. Design Patterns/27. Template Method.mp4 30.79 MB
30. Design Patterns/28. Visitor.mp4 38.23 MB
30. Design Patterns/3. What is a creational design pattern.mp4 8.9 MB
30. Design Patterns/30. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 6.39 MB
30. Design Patterns/31. Section Summary.mp4 74.27 MB
30. Design Patterns/4. Abstract Factory.mp4 35.48 MB
30. Design Patterns/5. Builder.mp4 34.1 MB
30. Design Patterns/6. Factory Method.mp4 37.23 MB
30. Design Patterns/7. Prototype.mp4 12.8 MB
30. Design Patterns/8. Singleton.mp4 9.66 MB
30. Design Patterns/9. What is a structural design pattern.mp4 9.76 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/1. Section Introduction.mp4 21.49 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/10. Indices and ranges.mp4 12.47 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/11. Null-coalescing assignment.mp4 4.61 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/12. Unmanaged constructed types.mp4 6.32 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/13. Stackalloc in nested expressions.mp4 8.88 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/14. Enhancement of interpolated verbatim strings.mp4 5.43 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/16. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 4.51 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/17. Section Summary.mp4 16.99 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/2. Readonly members in Structs.mp4 7.26 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/3. Default interface methods.mp4 8.39 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/4. Pattern matching Enhancements.mp4 17.09 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/5. Using declarations.mp4 9.14 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/6. Static local functions.mp4 7.1 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/7. Disposable ref structs.mp4 7.01 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/8. Nullable reference types.mp4 4.46 MB
31. C# 8.0 New Features/9. Asynchronous streams.mp4 9.98 MB
32. How to Write Good Code/1. Section Introduction.mp4 12.91 MB
32. How to Write Good Code/2. What is good code.mp4 7.77 MB
32. How to Write Good Code/3. Writing reusable code.mp4 11.11 MB
32. How to Write Good Code/4. Writing clean code.mp4 29.49 MB
32. How to Write Good Code/5. Writing safe code.mp4 7.04 MB
32. How to Write Good Code/6. Writing efficient code.mp4 28.96 MB
32. How to Write Good Code/7. Writing scalable code.mp4 6.77 MB
32. How to Write Good Code/8. Top 10 Beginner Mistakes.mp4 66.71 MB
32. How to Write Good Code/9. Section Summary.mp4 26.24 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/1. Section Introduction.mp4 73.14 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/10. Preparing for a Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, or Twitter Interview.mp4 14.68 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/11. Section Summary.mp4 52.11 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/2. What Programming Language(s) should I learn.mp4 18.75 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/3. Which branch of computer science is right for you.mp4 30.91 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/4. Gaining the right skills for the job.mp4 55.94 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/5. Writing a Resume.mp4 56.87 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/6. Becoming a 10X Programmer.mp4 56.72 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/7. Preparing for an Interview.mp4 63.94 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/8. Acing a Coding Exam.mp4 28.56 MB
33. Landing a Programming Job/9. Building a Portfolio of Projects.mp4 42.38 MB
34. C# Programming Practice Videos, Quizzes, and Tests/1. Section Introduction.mp4 35.92 MB
34. C# Programming Practice Videos, Quizzes, and Tests/10. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 33.94 MB
34. C# Programming Practice Videos, Quizzes, and Tests/12. Test Answers with Explanations.mp4 172.26 MB
34. C# Programming Practice Videos, Quizzes, and Tests/13. Section Summary.mp4 15.67 MB
34. C# Programming Practice Videos, Quizzes, and Tests/2. Mock Interview Video.mp4 156.14 MB
34. C# Programming Practice Videos, Quizzes, and Tests/3. Answering Coding Questions – Essential 3 Step Approach!.mp4 8.9 MB
34. C# Programming Practice Videos, Quizzes, and Tests/4. Mastering Coding Questions - Ace any coding questions you are asked!.mp4 99.58 MB
34. C# Programming Practice Videos, Quizzes, and Tests/6. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 29.91 MB
34. C# Programming Practice Videos, Quizzes, and Tests/8. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 18.26 MB
35. Intro to C# Hands-On Projects Build Real World Apps!/1. Section Introduction.mp4 14.83 MB
35. Intro to C# Hands-On Projects Build Real World Apps!/2. Hands-On Project 1 Database App overview.mp4 17.87 MB
35. Intro to C# Hands-On Projects Build Real World Apps!/3. Hands-On Project 2 Web App using ASP.net overview.mp4 17.47 MB
35. Intro to C# Hands-On Projects Build Real World Apps!/4. Hands-On Project 3 Mobile App using Xamarin overview.mp4 19.47 MB
35. Intro to C# Hands-On Projects Build Real World Apps!/5. Hands-On Project 4 AI Program overview.mp4 14.67 MB
35. Intro to C# Hands-On Projects Build Real World Apps!/6. Hands-On Project 5 Machine Learning overview.mp4 14.13 MB
35. Intro to C# Hands-On Projects Build Real World Apps!/7. Hands-On Project 6 Video Game with Unity overview.mp4 38.62 MB
35. Intro to C# Hands-On Projects Build Real World Apps!/8. Section Summary.mp4 15.09 MB
36. Hands-On Building a Database Application using Microsoft SQL Server and C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 8.09 MB
36. Hands-On Building a Database Application using Microsoft SQL Server and C#/2. Setup and Installation of Required Components.mp4 12.45 MB
36. Hands-On Building a Database Application using Microsoft SQL Server and C#/3. Anatomy of a Database.mp4 61.7 MB
36. Hands-On Building a Database Application using Microsoft SQL Server and C#/4. Creating a Basic Database.mp4 27.87 MB
36. Hands-On Building a Database Application using Microsoft SQL Server and C#/5. Using C# To Link to the Database.mp4 33.46 MB
36. Hands-On Building a Database Application using Microsoft SQL Server and C#/6. Section Summary.mp4 16.82 MB
37. Hands-On Building a Web App using ASP.Net and C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 14.52 MB
37. Hands-On Building a Web App using ASP.Net and C#/2. MVC Pattern.mp4 8.37 MB
37. Hands-On Building a Web App using ASP.Net and C#/3. Creating a Web App.mp4 6.84 MB
37. Hands-On Building a Web App using ASP.Net and C#/4. Building a Web Page Using C#.mp4 15.49 MB
37. Hands-On Building a Web App using ASP.Net and C#/5. Section Summary.mp4 19.9 MB
38. Hands-On Building a Mobile App using Xamarin C# (Windows and Mac only)/1. Section Introduction.mp4 16.18 MB
38. Hands-On Building a Mobile App using Xamarin C# (Windows and Mac only)/2. Anatomy of an App.mp4 6.86 MB
38. Hands-On Building a Mobile App using Xamarin C# (Windows and Mac only)/3. What is XAML.mp4 32.6 MB
38. Hands-On Building a Mobile App using Xamarin C# (Windows and Mac only)/4. Create an App Project.mp4 5.63 MB
38. Hands-On Building a Mobile App using Xamarin C# (Windows and Mac only)/5. GUI Deepdive.mp4 31.01 MB
38. Hands-On Building a Mobile App using Xamarin C# (Windows and Mac only)/6. Adding Triggers and Behaviors.mp4 15.2 MB
38. Hands-On Building a Mobile App using Xamarin C# (Windows and Mac only)/7. Animation.mp4 19.3 MB
38. Hands-On Building a Mobile App using Xamarin C# (Windows and Mac only)/8. Coding the App.mp4 60.01 MB
38. Hands-On Building a Mobile App using Xamarin C# (Windows and Mac only)/9. Section Summary.mp4 17.56 MB
39. Hands-On Building an Artificial Intelligence Neural Network using C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 9.37 MB
39. Hands-On Building an Artificial Intelligence Neural Network using C#/2. What is a Neural Network.mp4 17.17 MB
39. Hands-On Building an Artificial Intelligence Neural Network using C#/3. Coding a Neural Network in C#.mp4 18.9 MB
39. Hands-On Building an Artificial Intelligence Neural Network using C#/4. Section Summary.mp4 15.38 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 26.67 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/10. Errors.mp4 10.74 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/11. Basic C# Syntax.mp4 34.77 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/12. Modulus Operator.mp4 6.12 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/13. Increment and Decrement Operators.mp4 10.29 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/14. is Operator.mp4 20.42 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/15. as Operator.mp4 9.14 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/16. Ternary Operator (Conditional Operator).mp4 12.97 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/17. Null-Coalescing Operator.mp4 6.03 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/18. sizeof() Operator.mp4 11.82 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/19. typeof() Operator.mp4 10.01 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/2. Hello World.mp4 13.41 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/20. Operator Overloading.mp4 20.09 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/21. C# Keywords and Contextual Keywords.mp4 12.79 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/23. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 25.39 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/24. Section Summary.mp4 110.18 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/3. C#'s Main Method.mp4 17.09 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/4. Variables.mp4 26.99 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/5. Console.mp4 13.3 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/6. Conditional Statements.mp4 9.52 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/7. Loops.mp4 13.36 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/8. Comments.mp4 12.25 MB
4. Getting Started with C#/9. Function Basics.mp4 19.8 MB
40. Hands-On Building a Machine Learning app using ML.Net and C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 11.94 MB
40. Hands-On Building a Machine Learning app using ML.Net and C#/2. Setup and Installation of Required Components.mp4 5.06 MB
40. Hands-On Building a Machine Learning app using ML.Net and C#/3. What is ML.Net.mp4 6.59 MB
40. Hands-On Building a Machine Learning app using ML.Net and C#/4. Basics of Machine Learning.mp4 15.29 MB
40. Hands-On Building a Machine Learning app using ML.Net and C#/5. Tasks and Algorithms.mp4 24.77 MB
40. Hands-On Building a Machine Learning app using ML.Net and C#/6. Coding the C# Logic.mp4 27.12 MB
40. Hands-On Building a Machine Learning app using ML.Net and C#/7. Understanding How The Program Works.mp4 6.25 MB
40. Hands-On Building a Machine Learning app using ML.Net and C#/8. Section Summary.mp4 19.96 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 21.74 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/10. Unity - Lighting.mp4 22.69 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/11. Unity - Physics.mp4 14.81 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/12. Unity - Particle Effects.mp4 16.56 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/13. Unity - Editor Scripting.mp4 56.95 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/14. Unity - Debugging.mp4 141.08 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/15. Project Overview.mp4 29.82 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/16. Importing the Course Assets.mp4 15.5 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/17. Building the Game.mp4 117.25 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/18. Playing through the Final Game.mp4 18.98 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/19. Section Summary.mp4 27.8 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/2. What is Game Development.mp4 33.67 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/3. Download and Install Unity Hub.mp4 11.75 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/4. Download and Install Unity.mp4 8.5 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/5. Creating a Unity Project.mp4 4.53 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/6. Unity - Editor Basics.mp4 11.37 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/7. Unity - Game Objects, Components, and Prefabs.mp4 22.85 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/8. Unity - Scenes.mp4 6.41 MB
41. Hands-On Building a Video Game using Unity and C#/9. Unity - UI (User Interface).mp4 17.44 MB
42. Course Summary and Wrap-Up/1. Course Summary and Wrap-Up.mp4 283.45 MB
42. Course Summary and Wrap-Up/2. Bonus Lecture.mp4 124.17 MB
5. Data Types/1. Section Introduction.mp4 33.72 MB
5. Data Types/10. Slicing strings into substrings.mp4 21.26 MB
5. Data Types/11. String escape sequences.mp4 30.04 MB
5. Data Types/12. Formatting strings.mp4 21.1 MB
5. Data Types/13. StringBuilder class.mp4 41.59 MB
5. Data Types/14. Working with strings in C#.mp4 27.2 MB
5. Data Types/15. Validating strings using string.IsNullOrEmpty.mp4 10.64 MB
5. Data Types/16. Booleans.mp4 9.38 MB
5. Data Types/17. Logical Operators.mp4 36.79 MB
5. Data Types/18. Utilizing the boolean flag technique.mp4 8.25 MB
5. Data Types/19. Null.mp4 6.81 MB
5. Data Types/2. Basic Built-In Data Types.mp4 14.05 MB
5. Data Types/20. Converting Variables, Boxing, and Unboxing.mp4 38.31 MB
5. Data Types/21. Anonymous and Dynamic Types.mp4 8.56 MB
5. Data Types/22. Value and Reference Types.mp4 24.47 MB
5. Data Types/24. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 18.43 MB
5. Data Types/25. Section Summary.mp4 144.59 MB
5. Data Types/3. Numbers.mp4 42.73 MB
5. Data Types/4. Floating Point Precision Issue.mp4 9 MB
5. Data Types/5. Math Class in C#.mp4 30.89 MB
5. Data Types/6. Strings.mp4 17.24 MB
5. Data Types/7. Difference between characters and strings.mp4 10.99 MB
5. Data Types/8. Checking string equality.mp4 8.15 MB
5. Data Types/9. @ and $ with strings.mp4 16.63 MB
6. Working with DateTime data in C#/1. Section Introduction.mp4 20.23 MB
6. Working with DateTime data in C#/2. DateTime class.mp4 20.06 MB
6. Working with DateTime data in C#/3. Timespan class.mp4 17.13 MB
6. Working with DateTime data in C#/4. Formatting dates and times.mp4 25.35 MB
6. Working with DateTime data in C#/5. UTC Time - what is it and why is it ubiquitously used.mp4 16.81 MB
6. Working with DateTime data in C#/7. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 8.75 MB
6. Working with DateTime data in C#/8. Section Summary.mp4 12.76 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/1. Section Introduction.mp4 21.14 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/11. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 21.61 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/12. Section Summary.mp4 122.27 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/2. If, else if, else.mp4 45.22 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/3. Switch statements.mp4 33.13 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/4. For loops.mp4 42.72 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/5. Foreach loops.mp4 11.76 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/6. While loops.mp4 13.4 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/7. Do-While loops.mp4 14.89 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/8. Infinite Loops.mp4 9.64 MB
7. Control Flow Statements and Loops/9. Break and continue.mp4 31.29 MB
8. User Input and Files/1. Section Introduction.mp4 19.22 MB
8. User Input and Files/11. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 15.64 MB
8. User Input and Files/12. Section Summary.mp4 71.98 MB
8. User Input and Files/2. Obtaining user input in C#.mp4 8.39 MB
8. User Input and Files/3. ReadLine( ).mp4 9.6 MB
8. User Input and Files/4. Read( ).mp4 31.3 MB
8. User Input and Files/5. ReadKey( ).mp4 14.27 MB
8. User Input and Files/6. Obtaining numeric user input in C#.mp4 15.77 MB
8. User Input and Files/7. Working with files in C#.mp4 37.44 MB
8. User Input and Files/8. File IO Exceptions in C#.mp4 17.07 MB
8. User Input and Files/9. Building Tic-Tac-Toe in C#.mp4 67.87 MB
9. Functions/1. Section Introduction.mp4 14.69 MB
9. Functions/10. Infinite Parameters for a Function.mp4 12.32 MB
9. Functions/11. Optional Parameters.mp4 11.7 MB
9. Functions/12. Extension Methods.mp4 10.46 MB
9. Functions/13. Asynchronous Functions.mp4 14.89 MB
9. Functions/15. Quiz Answers with Explanations.mp4 12.61 MB
9. Functions/16. Section Summary.mp4 50.29 MB
9. Functions/2. Constructors.mp4 13.59 MB
9. Functions/3. Finalizers.mp4 5.35 MB
9. Functions/4. Properties.mp4 18.49 MB
9. Functions/5. Attributes.mp4 14.54 MB
9. Functions/6. Anonymous Functions and Lambda Expressions.mp4 16.6 MB
9. Functions/7. FuncTResult.mp4 10.94 MB
9. Functions/8. Overloading.mp4 17.01 MB
9. Functions/9. Overriding.mp4 16.56 MB