[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0206b1d1f92610a6e1df94e33e6534c092f8cc38&dn=[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course
16.26 GB
2023-2-1 02:12
2025-3-8 01:10
1. Introduction and Setup/1. Introduction.mp4 31.82 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/10. Preview of Finance Tracker App built in section 9, rapid prototyping.mp4 14.04 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/11. Preview of Univ App using material design for front-end (Section 12).mp4 15.95 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/12. Preview of Alpha Blog App built from section 4 through 7.mp4 13.86 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/3. Let's code the quiz!.mp4 37.1 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/4. Course Structure, Overview and best way to use the course.mp4 56.15 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/5. Ruby on Rails Development Environment overview.mp4 8.87 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/8. Preview SaaS - Project Management App built in section 11.mp4 23.12 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/9. Preview of MessageMe chat application showcasing real-time Rails - Section 8.mp4 16.1 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/10. Build Homepage.mp4 16.88 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/12. Stripe and Payment Introduction.mp4 33.29 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/14. Payment Model.mp4 19.04 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/16. Update Form for Credit Card Payments.mp4 24.76 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/18. Javascript Events.mp4 23.06 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/2. Start Photo App.mp4 23.58 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/20. Extend Devise Registrations Controller.mp4 44 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/22. Fix Conflict Bug.mp4 30.02 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/24. Image Upload.mp4 57.02 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/26. Image Size Validations.mp4 40.33 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/28. Image Upload in Production.mp4 36.31 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/30. Complete Prod Image Upload.mp4 24.9 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/4. Setup Authentication System.mp4 25.1 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/6. Sending Email in Production.mp4 28.78 MB
10. Email, Custom Payment Functionality and File Uploads/8. Update Layout and Test Email in Production.mp4 26.27 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/11. Build Homepage and add styling.mp4 44.63 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/13. Add Plans for Tenants.mp4 58.65 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/15. Confirmations and Styling.mp4 84.89 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/17. Invite new members.mp4 38.7 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/19. Projects for Tenants.mp4 70.27 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/21. Projects Controller.mp4 50.46 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/23. Add Datepicker.mp4 33.48 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/25. Projects show and list.mp4 63.69 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/27. Create Artifacts.mp4 25.44 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/29. Setting up AWS.mp4 42.01 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/3. Start the new SaaS app.mp4 37.83 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/31. Upload Artifacts.mp4 51.68 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/33. Complete Artifacts.mp4 45 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/35. Fix AWS issues and Preview App.mp4 27.73 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/37. Setup Stripe for Payments.mp4 42.99 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/39. Form for Credit Card Fields.mp4 21.4 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/41. Javascript details - Stripe and Payment Processing.mp4 52.3 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/43. Javascript continued.mp4 95.21 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/44. Custom Registrations Controller.mp4 79.76 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/46. Edit Tenant Plans.mp4 66.88 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/48. Update Action.mp4 56.14 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/5. Setup email.mp4 36.43 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/50. Add Admin User for Organizations.mp4 14.79 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/52. Create Nav Partial.mp4 48.09 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/54. Users and Projects.mp4 232.31 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/56. Complete User - Project views.mp4 147.74 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/58. Bug Fixes, Preview and Deploy!.mp4 130.34 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/7. Setup Milia and Devise.mp4 21.33 MB
11. Software as a Service Project Management App/9. Add Bootstrap for styling.mp4 41.29 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/1. Section intro - Use MaterializeCSS as front-end instead of bootstrap.mp4 15.97 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/10. Create a sticky footer.mp4 69.76 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/11. Add dropdown feature and hamburger menu.mp4 142.44 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/12. Work on the content layout view - Courses.mp4 89.34 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/13. CRUD from the back-end and courses resource.mp4 146.92 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/14. Front-end display and validations.mp4 113.32 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/15. Learn how to use partials.mp4 36.45 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/16. Create students resource.mp4 80.55 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/18. Students index.mp4 80.84 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/19. Create a new student form.mp4 106.98 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/20. Create students and work with errors.mp4 74.35 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/21. Add flash messages and errors.mp4 94.57 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/22. Student show page.mp4 43.73 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/23. Edit student functionality.mp4 101.17 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/24. DRY your code - extract redundancies.mp4 137.41 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/25. Add secure password.mp4 117.13 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/26. Update forms to accept passwords and modify styling.mp4 94.91 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/27. Authentication system - build routes and form.mp4 104.35 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/28. Create and destroy sessions - add auth methods.mp4 154.59 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/29. Restrict actions, views and clean up layout.mp4 129.47 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/3. Start new rails app, run server - both local and cloud-IDE example.mp4 58.42 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/30. Introduction to many to many associations.mp4 49.31 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/31. Create association from rails console.mp4 85.63 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/32. Add associations from front-end.mp4 166.5 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/4. App structure, MVC and root route.mp4 69.58 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/6. Add routes.mp4 27.45 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/7. Explore the layout file and erb.mp4 57.18 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/8. Start styling the app.mp4 50.48 MB
12. Material Design (MaterializeCSS) as front-end/9. Add front-end framework and navigation.mp4 95.45 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/1. Terminal basics in MacOS.mp4 70.65 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/10. Install and use Ruby on Rails 5.mp4 41.04 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/2. Command Line Tools.mp4 33.26 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/3. Text editor.mp4 87.17 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/4. Install (or check installation of) NodeJS.mp4 18.25 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/5. Install Yarn (JavaScript package manager).mp4 15.59 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/6. Install RVM (Ruby version manager).mp4 29.02 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/7. Install Ruby.mp4 54.08 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/8. Install and setup Git for version control.mp4 36.64 MB
13. Rails installation and usage Mac/9. Install and use Ruby on Rails 6.mp4 52.18 MB
14. Rails installation and usage AWS Cloud9/1. Amazon Web Services Cloud9 setup.mp4 34.81 MB
14. Rails installation and usage AWS Cloud9/2. Terminal basics in AWS Cloud9.mp4 75.52 MB
14. Rails installation and usage AWS Cloud9/3. Install (or check installation of) Rails dependencies in IDE.mp4 37.8 MB
14. Rails installation and usage AWS Cloud9/4. Install and use Rails 6 on AWS Cloud9.mp4 52.31 MB
14. Rails installation and usage AWS Cloud9/5. Install and use Rails 5 on AWS Cloud9.mp4 26.92 MB
16. Thank you and next steps/1. Final Student Project.mp4 8.49 MB
16. Thank you and next steps/2. Thank you.mp4 12.71 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/1. How to get Free Live Help!.mp4 26.07 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/11. Brief look at comparison operators.mp4 19.54 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/12. Methods.mp4 47.15 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/13. Branching ifelsifelseend.mp4 88.51 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/15. Arrays and Iterators.mp4 148.02 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/17. Hashes.mp4 77.45 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/19. Homework Project Authenticator.mp4 23.58 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/2. Introduction to Section 2 and Ruby.mp4 86.58 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/20. Authenticator project implementation.mp4 163.57 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/22. Ruby Style Guide.mp4 37.54 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/24. Homework Assignment Area code dictionary.mp4 40.73 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/26. Solution Area code dictionary.mp4 59.56 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/28. Practice what you have learnt.mp4 10.33 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/29. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming.mp4 59.8 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/31. Attributes, getters and setters.mp4 94.68 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/33. Final Ruby project Classes, Modules, Mixins - 1 - bcrypt.mp4 62.38 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/35. Final Ruby project Classes, Modules, Mixins - 2 - methods.mp4 127.39 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/37. Final Ruby project Classes, Modules, Mixins - 3 - modules.mp4 140.46 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/39. 'self' notation for method names.mp4 22.88 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/4. Working with Strings part 1.mp4 112.51 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/40. Final Ruby project Classes, Modules, Mixins - 4 - include.mp4 84.01 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/5. Working with Strings part 2 Getting input from user.mp4 30.03 MB
2. The Ruby Programming Language/8. Working with numbers.mp4 79.38 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/1. Introduction to Section 3 and Ruby on Rails kickoff.mp4 65.87 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/10. Version control with Git.mp4 101.9 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/12. Setup online code repository with GitHub.mp4 88.11 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/14. Front-end Learn and practice HTML and CSS.mp4 46.04 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/18. Add About page and homework assignment.mp4 57.95 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/20. Production Deploy!.mp4 115.25 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/22. The back-end Database and tables in Rails.mp4 34.11 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/23. The back-end CRUD, scaffold and wrap-up section 3.mp4 117.39 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/3. Model, View, Controller and Rails App Structure.mp4 27.67 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/6. Root route, controller, more MVC and say 'Hello World!'.mp4 77.63 MB
3. Introduction to Ruby on Rails/8. Structure of a Rails application.mp4 84.41 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/10. Show articles (route, action and view).mp4 101.25 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/12. Articles index.mp4 61.47 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/14. Forms - build a new article creation form.mp4 72.1 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/16. Create action - save newly created articles.mp4 64.96 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/18. Messaging - validation and flash messages.mp4 66.18 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/2. Introduction to Section 4 Tables, migrations and naming conventions.mp4 102.9 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/20. Edit and update update existing articles.mp4 88.1 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/22. Delete delete articles.mp4 73.74 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/24. User Interface - add layout links.mp4 75.05 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/26. DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) code - refactoring and partials.mp4 107.35 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/28. Production deploy and wrap up section 4.mp4 80.14 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/4. Models and rails console.mp4 68.83 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/6. CRUD operations from rails console.mp4 70.33 MB
4. CRUD Operations in Ruby on Rails/8. Validations.mp4 55.43 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/1. Introduction to Section 5 and styling.mp4 37.7 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/11. Style articles index page.mp4 136.03 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/13. Style form partial.mp4 116.2 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/15. Style validation and flash messages.mp4 79.7 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/17. Style show view.mp4 54.67 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/19. Cleanup layout, production deploy and wrap up section 5.mp4 97.78 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/2. Learn to use Bootstrap.mp4 62.7 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/3. Install Bootstrap, asset pipeline, JavaScript, webpack - Rails 6 vs 5.mp4 97.97 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/5. Install Bootstrap in Rails 5 (or earlier versions).mp4 39.77 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/7. Build homepage.mp4 180.53 MB
5. Styling for your Rails Application/9. Layout links using Bootstrap classes.mp4 52.99 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/1. Introduction to section 6 users, associations, ERD and more.mp4 21.85 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/11. Alter object state before_save.mp4 25.86 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/13. Add secure password.mp4 94.81 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/15. New user signup form.mp4 99.39 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/17. Create new users (back-end).mp4 77.61 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/19. Edit users.mp4 63.95 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/2. One-to-many associations demo with the rails console.mp4 111.37 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/21. Show user and profile image.mp4 119.37 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/23. Add users index.mp4 81.52 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/25. Cleanup layout.mp4 46.18 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/27. Add pagination to views.mp4 107.17 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/29. Add login form.mp4 56.3 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/3. Create users.mp4 61.28 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/31. Create and destroy user sessions.mp4 102.46 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/33. Authentication helper methods.mp4 89.02 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/35. Controller methods as helper methods.mp4 44.62 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/37. Restrict actions from UI.mp4 65.58 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/39. Modify navigation based on helpers.mp4 56.42 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/41. Restrict actions at controller level - articles.mp4 40.39 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/43. Restrict actions in controller level - users.mp4 22.83 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/45. Delete user.mp4 56.87 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/47. Add admin user functionality - intro.mp4 39.49 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/49. Add admin user access through views and controllers.mp4 98.87 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/5. Add user validations.mp4 111.92 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/51. Assignment - alert message color based on type.mp4 22.56 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/53. Production deploy and wrap up section 6.mp4 44.11 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/7. One to many association.mp4 82.5 MB
6. Associations and Authentication Systems/9. Show user info in articles.mp4 24.46 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/1. Introduction to Section 7.mp4 21.3 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/10. Integration test Create category business process.mp4 56.73 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/12. Integration test for invalid category.mp4 38.08 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/14. Integration test and feature listing categories.mp4 70.75 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/16. Admin user requirement and test.mp4 93.32 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/18. Update navigation.mp4 32.77 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/2. Category model and testing.mp4 59.12 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/20. Many-to-many association - introduction.mp4 17.18 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/21. Many-to-many association - back-end implementation.mp4 57.26 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/23. Add association from UI.mp4 138.67 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/25. Update article views to display categories.mp4 81.21 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/27. Complete category index and show views.mp4 71.58 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/29. Edit categories.mp4 47.7 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/31. Deploy to production, homework, wrap up section 7.mp4 28.23 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/4. Validations using unit tests.mp4 63.33 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/6. Categories controller and tests.mp4 77.18 MB
7. Many-To-Many Associations and Automated Testing - Integration, Functional, Unit/8. Create category and test.mp4 77.99 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/1. Preview of the app built in this section.mp4 16.13 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/10. Build Chatroom Homepage.mp4 96.34 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/11. Complete Chatroom.mp4 59.96 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/12. Task 3 Build login page.mp4 10.71 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/13. Explore the back-end design.mp4 18.77 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/14. Task 4 Build User resource.mp4 46.32 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/15. Task 5 Build Message resource.mp4 16.09 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/16. Task 6 Add actual messages from table.mp4 9.32 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/17. Add message partial and refactor some code.mp4 25.55 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/18. Task 7 Start authentication system.mp4 21.49 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/19. Add authentication system - create and destroy sessions.mp4 86.68 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/20. Enable flash messages display.mp4 38.58 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/21. Restrict views at controller layer.mp4 26.14 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/22. Add messages from UI.mp4 100.74 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/23. Introduction to WebSocket protocol.mp4 15.07 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/24. Implementing real-time with ActionCable overview.mp4 45.98 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/25. Generate a Chatroom channel.mp4 34.77 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/26. Modify and broadcast messages.mp4 55.49 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/27. Display messages using partial.mp4 86.89 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/28. Add auto-scrolling to chat window.mp4 80.73 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/29. Beautify input box, functionality and create custom scope.mp4 105.52 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/3. Start new rails app (local, cloud9, AWS cloud9 all 3 for demo).mp4 73.41 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/30. Section Project.mp4 15.62 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/4. Task 1 Version control.mp4 13.46 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/5. Task 2 Root and Login routes.mp4 16.21 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/6. Install Semantic-UI for front-end.mp4 42.55 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/7. Add navigation menu.mp4 61.47 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/8. Enable dropdown functionality and create nav partial.mp4 39.56 MB
8. Real-time Rails - MessageMe Chat app using ActionCable and web sockets/9. Add favicon.mp4 30.48 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/10. Assignment Add Bootstrap to the application.mp4 21.56 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/11. Implementation Add Bootstrap 4 step by step.mp4 57.26 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/12. Update views.mp4 37.72 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/13. Update layout containers for styling.mp4 42.16 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/14. Layout Assignment Add messages and nav partial.mp4 30.24 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/15. Setup and use API key to get stock data.mp4 33.01 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/16. Create Stock model with attributes.mp4 35.68 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/17. Stock lookup build class method to lookup stock info.mp4 34.75 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/18. Secure credentials in Rails 6.mp4 41.25 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/19. Store secure API key.mp4 24.01 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/2. Finance Tracker Requirements.mp4 20.14 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/20. Setup front-end structure for stock lookup.mp4 29.02 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/21. Build Stock Lookup Form.mp4 65.14 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/22. Display stock price in browser.mp4 40.98 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/23. Create and display stock objects in browser.mp4 54.96 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/24. Dealing with invalid search results.mp4 37.33 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/25. Use Ajax for form submission.mp4 32.48 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/26. Setup JavaScript response.mp4 43.63 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/31. JavaScript responses to invalid search results.mp4 45.52 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/32. Users and stocks many-to-many association.mp4 20.37 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/33. Setup UserStock resource.mp4 95.38 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/34. Stocks listing view.mp4 75.54 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/35. Cleanup application layout.mp4 86.56 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/36. Track stocks from front-end browser.mp4 98.9 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/37. Implement stock tracking restrictions.mp4 109.24 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/38. Add functionality to remove tracking.mp4 72.33 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/39. Modify user model.mp4 62.85 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/4. Assignment 1 completion.mp4 11.67 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/40. Accept additional fields in app - edit action.mp4 108.52 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/41. Complete signup assignment.mp4 13.44 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/42. Self referential association - users and friends.mp4 67.96 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/43. Assignment completion walkthrough friends list.mp4 31.8 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/44. Assignment Create search friends form.mp4 14.99 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/45. Add JavaScript response to form submission.mp4 23.86 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/46. Search usersfriends implement search method.mp4 123.15 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/47. Display search results in the browser.mp4 72 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/48. Implement remove tracking functionality.mp4 82.03 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/49. Implement add friend functionality.mp4 34.31 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/50. Display userfriend profile and tracking options.mp4 141.2 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/6. Assignment 2 completion.mp4 40.26 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/7. Add devise gem for authentication.mp4 48.48 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/8. Create users using devise.mp4 51.98 MB
9. Stock Tracker Social Media App/9. Test authentication system, login, logout.mp4 26.49 MB